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Edit this Fiddle. Markerclusterer.js. MarkerCluster for v3 Documentation: Examples. To use a marker clusterer, create a MarkerClusterer object.

MarkerCluster for v3 Documentation: Examples

In the simplest case, just pass a map to it. You may also specify a number of options to fine-tune the marker manager's performance. These options are passed via a object. Once you create a marker cluster, you will want to add markers to it. MarkerClusterer supports adding markers using the addMarker() and addMarkers()method or by providing a array of markers to the constructor: Markerclusterer.

MarkerClusterer: A Solution to the Too Many Markers Problem. Posted by Xiaoxi Wu, Community Developer Hi, I'm Xiaoxi (Frank) Wu.

MarkerClusterer: A Solution to the Too Many Markers Problem

I'm a software engineer working for Beyondsoft in Beijing China, where I'm currently working on Maps API applications.