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20 Instagram Apps to Enhance Your Photos and Videos. Does your business use Instagram? Are you looking for apps to help you create unique images and video for your Instagram feed? In this article, you’ll find 20 apps that make it easy to create and edit outstanding images and videos for Instagram. Why Instagram Apps? Instagram recently passed 150 million active users. To create lasting engagement with those users, you need to share beautiful and targeted content that resonates with your audience. If you’re not a professional photographer, this can present some difficulties. Finding the Apps Most of these apps are available for both iOS and Android. . #1: Photo Editor by Aviary Have you ever felt limited by Instagram’s settings? Aviary Photo Editor provides a number of useful tools to edit your photos. Aviary makes it easy to crop images. Aviary helps you easily crop images—a feature that Instagram does not currently have. iPhone | Android #2: Image Editing With Afterlight Remember light leaks?

Afterlight adds light leaks to your photos. iPhone | Android. Perfect Pinterest Profile Guide - Tailwind. Here at Tailwind, we see a LOT of different Pinterest profiles each day. Some are just out-of-this-world (like this one). Others are… well, not so much. If you’re a brand using Pinterest, neglecting to put your best foot forward means more than just leaving huge opportunities on the table; it can be downright damaging to your image and hold back your efforts elsewhere.

Put aside your worries my fellow pinners – I have good news: if you happen to land outside of the “out-of-this-world” category, making a few simple adjustments can help you get pretty close and improve your results on the site (and with our services) tremendously. My name is Jessica, I’m an account coordinator here at Tailwind and I’m going to take you through each section of the Pinterest profile to highlight the do’s and don’ts, and best practices we’ve seen.

Click to enlarge First thing’s first–Pinterest is about VISUAL CONTENT. Your Profile Picture Is it “over-branded?” Profile Description Links Content Advanced Tips. How Constant Contact Uses Pinterest to Reach a B2B Market. “You can use any social media channel for B2B,” said Erica Ayotte, social media marketing manager at Constant Contact. “Anyone who says you can’t is not being creative enough.” She should know. Her team has grown their Pinterest following to over 18,000 in less than two years. How does a company that is not retail and not inherently visual use Pinterest to reach a B2B target audience? The keys are to expand your idea of what your brand is, think visually and have a curating mindset. Constant Contact has 92 Pinterest boards with over 4,000 pins. Organization: Constant Contact Social Media Handles and Stats: WebsiteBlogPodcastFacebook – 90,979 followersTwitter – 53,397 followersYouTube – 2,847 subscribers; 3,193,011 viewsPinterest – 18,187 followersLinkedIn – 7,229 followersGoogle+ – 2,569 followers Highlights: Expand Your Idea of What Your Brand Is Ayotte urges B2B companies to take a wider view of what their business is really about when thinking about Pinterest.

Think Visually Over to You. 12 Ways to Get More Pinterest Followers. Are wondering how to get more Pinterest followers? Are you looking to increase your Pinterest engagement and drive traffic? In this article, I’ll share 12 tips on how you can get more Pinterest followers and promote your business. Why More Pinterest Followers? More Pinterest followers can help you get more likes, repins, comments, clicks and impressions. This can then help drive traffic, increase sales, generate leads and build your Pinterest brand. It also provides an opportunity for you to generate more engagement with your customers. Here are the tips: #1: Add the Pinterest Follow Button The Pinterest follow button diverts website visitors to your Pinterest page, thereby attracting followers. Install the button in several prominent places on your website and blog—the header, footer, sidebar, etc. To create your button, use the widget builder page on Pinterest or create a custom button that matches your branding.

The Pinterest buttons can help convert website visitors into followers. 1. 2. 3. Pinterest Quick Tip: Instantly Discover Everything Pinned from Your Site.