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Prussian Army : Napoleonic Wars : History : Organization : Preußische Armee. Sources and Links. Recommended Reading. Oiver Schmidt - "Prussian Regular Infantryman 1808-1815" 2003 Hofschroer - "1815: The Waterloo Campaign. The German Victory. " Hofschroer - "Prussian Light Infantry 1792-1815" 1984 Hofschroer - "Prussian Staff and Specialist Troops 1791-1815" Craig - "The Germans" 1991 Duffy - "Frederick the Great" 1985 Digby-Smith - "1813: Leipzig" Prussian Army of the Napoleonic Wars Prussian Infantry - - Prussian Cavalry - - Prussian Artillery Battle of Dennewitz, 1813 General von Bulow crushed Marshal Ney Battle of Leipzig, 1813 The Battle of the Nations, the largest conflict until World War One: Battle of Waterloo, 1813 The German Victory - interview with Peter Hofschroer Napoleon, His Army and Enemies <img width="70" height="15" border="0" alt="Counter" src="..

Andean Tragedy. Military photos . net. The Spanish Succession and the War of the Spanish Succession. Sino-Japanese War 1894-95. Austro-Hungarian Land Forces 1848-1918. Battlefield Anomalies. Colonial Warfare 1890-1975. Napoleon, His Army and Enemies : Napoleonic Battles : Uniforms : Maps : Tactics. Napoleon on his Imperial throne (wearing his laurel leaf crown). Painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres in 1806. Source: wikipedia 2006 Certain of mankind's greatest armies have passed like meterors, bursting out of chaos to storm across our history into enduring legend. Some have left us more than a proud tradition; others, a changed world. To the cadenced thunder of their drums they pass, to the lilting of forgotten trumpets, riddled standards high above the Great Captains who shaped and led them: the pikes and muskets of Gustavus Adolphus' tautly disciplined Swedes and Scots, Oliver Cromwell amidst his Ironside horsemen and redcoat infantry,: George Washington's tattered, hard-bitten Continentals; Napoleon's Grande Armee; the lean butternut ranks of Robert Lee's Army of Northern Virginia; George Thomas' indomitable Army of the Cumberland.

Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps and George Patton's Third Army were of their lineage. E N T E REntrare - Wejscie - Entre - Entrer - Gå in. The Treaty of Portsmouth (Portsmouth Peace Treaty) Warfare in the Age of Steam.