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SSST. Demonbells | Custom Kettle Bells. Pavel said I might be crazy... A kettlebell swing odyssey that helped me lose 100+ pounds of fat, but no strength.: A Kettlebells article from Dragon Door Publications | Kettlebell Training. The Secret To Big Snatch Numbers: A Fitness article from Dragon Door Publications | Strength Training and Powerlifting. Geoff Neupert, Senior RKC September 11, 2009 08:12 AM How many times have you been frustrated by your lack of progress in the snatch? Sure, it's a hard lift, and there's technique involved, but many times snatch progress is failed due to lack of preparation. It's no secret that GS guys hoist huge numbers in the snatch. They literally are human dynamos. However, they have figured out the subtle nuances to save energy in order to pace themselves for 10 minutes to get those big numbers.

We're not interested in saving energy. Producing more force is the secret to boosting your progress in your snatch. That's OK. We're going to fix that right now. There are two ways to produce a lot of force. Remember: Force = Mass * Acceleration, F = M*a, where high force is produced by slowly accelerating a heavy mass (heavy lifting) F=m*A, where high force is produced by quickly (explosively) accelerating a lighter mass (ballistic lifting) He is the author of Kettlebell Secrets. Back. 200 SNATCHES: A Kettlebells article from Dragon Door Publications | Kettlebell Training.

Snatch a Heavier Kettlebell: A Kettlebells article from Dragon Door Publications | Kettlebell Training. Jeffrey Crews, RKC June 10, 2005 07:55 AM Sooner or later every kettlebell lifter is going to want to try a heavier 'bell. Over time a dedicated girevik may move up three or four times. The question is, how do you safely leap the gaps between traditional Russian kettlebells? The three step sequence that involves swings, cleans, overhead supports, and finally snatches works well for my clients, and I found it useful as I began using 70 and 88 pound 'bells myself. 1. 2. 3.

There you have it: a safe sequence for working with a new and bigger KB from the ground to overhead. Jeffrey Crews, RKC is a strength trainer and certified Russian Kettlebell instructor based in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina. Back. Kettlebells012010. Get the facts on popular health and fitness topics in a concise, one-page format. Our ACE Fit Facts contain valuable information on a wide range of subjects, from nutrition to exercising outdoors, strength training, exercising with diabetes, weight management, workplace wellness and more. Educate your co-workers or members at your health club with trusted, unbiased facts.

To learn more about using ACE Fit Facts, send us an emailor call (888) 825-3636, ext. 820. The Advanced Kettlebell Swing. Ok so after the American Council on Exercise research, we know that the kettlebell swing actually IS the best fat loss movement there is. But we've been doing it wrong for years. My friend Keira Newton, RKC II and Z-Health Level 2, were talking about how all of the videos on YouTube about the swing, even the "good" ones, are demonstrating the *old* swing. So I asked her to do a video.... Lets take a look: Back in 2004 when I first got certified as an RKC Kettlebell Instructor, doing swings with hyperextension (arching the back and neck really really hard) was considered the correct way to do swings. In the last two years, Z-Health has had a major effect on the way that the kettlebell community lifts, and we've switched to kettlebell swings with a totally neutral spine (including neck).

Swing with a neutral, long spine, are safer, stronger, and more powerful. Lets take the swing apart, and look at the different ways people screw up swings. First, the worst possible way to screw it up: P.S. Chasing Strength. Lose Stubborn Fat!: Kettlebell Workouts. I'm getting a lot of emails, Facebook messages, and even new clients, who are CrossFitting with a fat loss goal. So I want to address some points that I always cover with my clients who CrossFit also, the first being the overhead kettlebell swing. And to reiterate, this is a blog about fat loss, not athletic performance.

If you are reading this, my assumption is that fat loss is your primary workout goal right now. And if fat loss is your goal, you should definitely make some major changes to the way CrossFit is traditionally done. The first big change to address is the kettlebell swing. The overhead kettlebell swing (which CrossFitters sometimes call the "American Swing") mutes hip extension in favor of shoulder flexion. More shoulders and less hips would be fine if it was a shoulder exercise... The Three and a Half Terrible Mistakes of the Overhead Swing: 1.) 2.) 3.) 3.5) Head jutts forward Just look at the google snap below.

In yoga, they call it "really crappy alignment. " 1.) 2.) 3.)


Kettlebell Hand Care Tips" Kettlebell Hand Care Tools & Tips Iron Tamer Rule: "Don't be stupid! " --David "Iron Tamer" Whitley, Senior RKC Comrades! After violating the above Iron Tamer Rule on two different occasions, I finally learned how to take care of my hands for kettlebells--the HARD WAY! There are a number of tools and hand care items reviewed. Look @ the difference Comrades! Other Important References! MRSA Super Bugs (Ron Jones, MS) I've done an incredible amount of research and presenting on the emerging problem of MRSA Superbugs. If you fail to learn from my "stupid" mistakes, and refuse my helpful hand tips--then "Enjoy the Pain" because this is what you're going to get! Summary! Enjoy "LESS" hand pain Comrades!

Move Better! RonJones.Org | Back to BodyXercise Library | Site Map. Full Body Workouts in Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Fitness Centers. The official website of Kenneth "the movement scientist" Jay | Exercise physiologist, MSc. | PhD candidate | Z-Health Master Trainer. The original Kenneth Jay post on DragonDoor Re: maxVo2 training. KJ killing the Beast. Training to increase Max Vo2 with a kettlebell. I will share with you one of my best advanced protocols for improving VO2max and lactate buffering capacity using the kettlebell. To improve the 10 min. SSST you need to tax the oxidative energy pathways as well as the glycolytic pathways. Basically that means that you should train to stimulate your VO2max and your lactate producing and buffering capacities. The program below is derived from the latest research on improving 10-15 min. work bouts. Most research is done on running and bicycling for good reason but based on findings from these studies it is possible to specifically design optimal SSST programs using this data and the knowledge of VO2 kinetics during submaximal and maximal work.

I will not go into the deep theory behind this kind of training but rather just provide you with a protocol you can start doing immediately. In this example the VO2max cadence = 26reps So the setup is as follows: /Kenneth Jay. Advanced Strength, Cardio Strategies Using Kettlebells. Welcome to the Kettlebell Institute by Kenneth "the movement scientist" Jay | Exercise physiologist, MSc. | PhD candidate | Z-Health Master Trainer.

Dragon Door Kettlebells. They keep getting better and better, honestly - the ones which were at the Orlando RKC had a really nice finish on them, no need for sanding or dremel grinding - which was very good considering I had left such tools at home. I remember thinking how much I liked the one that I used for the snatch test, and how the handle was smooth and perfectly shaped to travel around the hand unimpeded. This principle followed suit with the smallest to the largest ones - the ratio maintained. And maybe I've lost my mind, but I think they have a balanced aesthetic, and are visually appealing. Can you say that for your treadmill? A friend of mine on Facebook had read an article by Andrew Read, head of Dragon Door Austrialia - basically his article mentioned all the reasons to stick with the Dragon Door brand - however my friend still wanted to know if there were other brands we could recomment that might be cheaper.

I went ahead and answered his question though saying: P.S. Quick "What Do I Buy" guide: Homepage | Books | Dragon Door. Kettlebells012010.pdf. Mastering the Kettlebell Swing. This past year I’ve really become fascinated with kettebells. (Side Note: I also know and understand they aren’t the be-all, end-all of training. My gym still has plenty of dumbbells, barbells, and a bunch of other equipment to help you get big and strong) However, I do see the value in using them.

And perhaps more importantly, I enjoy training with them. But I digress. After a discussion with Dan John on my Podcast several weeks ago, I realized how you can make a ton of progress not only in your kettlebell technique, but in your lifting technique and body movcement as well, just by focusing on the kettlebell swing and Turkish get-up. This was reaffirmed this past weekend while watching Jason C.

When coaching the swing, you’ll often see the same mistakes made time and again. Simply picking the kettlebell up, versus setting up in the “hike” position at the bottom.Not pulling back aggressively towards the groin, both at the start of a set and within repetitions. Stay strong. Kettlebell Routine you can do w/one 20kg Kettlebell.