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Brians Java Blog: Spring REST Tutorial. In this post I’ll show you how to implement a RESTful web service using the Spring framework. REST support was introduced as part of Spring 3 and is built on top of the existing Spring MVC stack, so anyone that has worked with Spring MVC in the past should find the REST support very easy to grasp.

I’ll provide a step by step guide so even if you’re not familiar with Spring MVC you should be able get a RESTful service up and running quickly. What is REST? REST is an architectural style that has evolved from existing web technologies to allow client applications to communicate with a server using a simple and familiar approach. This formal definition of REST and what constitutes pure RESTful behaviour is well beyond the scope of this blog. Technologies Used Our REST example will be built using the following technology stack. Spring MVC 3.1MavenTomcat It is assumed that readers have a basic knowledge of the technologies listed above.

Creating a Project Skeleton. 1: <? Defining a Domain Object. Integrating Hibernate with Spring. In this article, we will look at how Spring affects the application's data-access layer. Our discussion starts with the Data Access Object (DAO) pattern. This pattern, which is popular in the Java world, allows for a more manageable, more maintainable data-access tier.

Then, we'll discuss how Spring affects application DAO classes when integrated with Hibernate. Spring is a general-purpose framework that plays different roles in many areas of application architecture. One of these areas is persistence. Spring does not provide its own persistence framework. Instead, it provides an abstraction layer over JDBC, and a variety of O/R mapping frameworks, such as iBATIS SQL Maps, Hibernate, JDO, Apache OJB, and Oracle TopLink. Spring's abstraction layer abstracts the application from the connection factory, the transaction API, and the exception hierarchies used by the underlying persistence technology. The Data Access Object pattern Service Facade Pattern Data tier implementation with Hibernate.


Custom Configuring Java Apps: Extending log4j. DevOps DNS for Developers – Now There’s No Excuse Not To Know. Over the years I have had the luck to work alongside many really smart, switched on people in the development community. I’ve learnt from them many intermediate and experienced programming skills. Generally when it comes understanding the very basis of how the internet functions using DNS, most of these very same experienced developers haven’t got a clue. I wrote this post to hopefully help pay back some of the awesome karma they have earned helping me over the years, by teaching them something in return. Lets learn about DNS. DNS is a huge part of the inner workings of the internet.

What I will cover in this post: Why does DNS matter to you? Well it’s simple – if you are a developer it matters to you because: You are a passionate developer, and therefore knowing this stuff is your job. First up: How the internet works (DNS) If you already know how this works feel free to step ahead. What DNS does do: Converts hostnames to IP addresses. What DNS doesn’t/cannot do Tools for the Job nslookup. 10 Completely Free Wireframing and Mockup Tools. The wireframing process is the straight-to-the-point and completely non-tech stage of any web project. It only requires that you define a skeletal outline of essential page elements such as headers, footers, navigation and content area and should illustrate how to cater and respond to any possible interaction from a user.It is the most important, yet underused, stage of any web or apps development.

Please note that this post is quite old, so some of these apps may not longer be free. Tread with caution. There are several avenues you could take for sketching a wireframe, most notably pen and paper (the easiest and most cost effective way), but for the sake of this article we have focused on apps that are not only highly effective and easy to use, they are also completely free. We have covered free wireframe apps before (here), but a year is a long time in web development – some of the apps we had previously covered are either no longer completely free or are no longer available.

FluidIA. A re-introduction to JavaScript. Why a re-introduction? Because JavaScript is notorious for being the world's most misunderstood programming language. It is often derided as being a toy, but beneath its layer of deceptive simplicity, powerful language features await. JavaScript is now used by an incredible number of high-profile applications, showing that deeper knowledge of this technology is an important skill for any web or mobile developer. It's useful to start with an overview of the language's history.

JavaScript was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich while he was an engineer at Netscape. JavaScript was first released with Netscape 2 early in 1996. Several months later, Microsoft released JScript with Internet Explorer 3. Because it is more familiar, we will refer to ECMAScript as "JavaScript" from this point on. Unlike most programming languages, the JavaScript language has no concept of input or output. Overview Let's start off by looking at the building blocks of any language: the types. Numbers parseInt('11', 2);

Security and authentication

Website creation. What good Web Developers should know about sending E-mail - Diary of a Ninja... Nearly all websites these days send email and because of this the majority of developers assume that they “know how to send email from a website”. They continue under this assumption until they have a site or server of their get black listed by a Spam blacklist. Then they are forced to scratch their heads to try and figure out why this happened.

Before you hit send on that email requesting to be removed from that Spam blacklist, let’s recap what you should be doing to make sure it doesn’t happen again. So you’re developing a website, and you or your client wants this website to send an email. Maybe it’s to visitors who sign up for your service, or maybe you have a “Send to a friend” service that allows your visitors to spread the word about your content or service. Maybe you just want to send them a notification every time one of their friends virtually pokes them from your soon-to-be social network project (watch out for those Winklevoss twins).

A look at ways Spam filters can work Example.