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Umair Haque

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Are Successful People Nice? - Art Markman. Mind over Market - Michael Spence. Exit from comment view mode.

Mind over Market - Michael Spence

Click to hide this space MILAN – In the 66 years since World War II ended, virtually all centrally planned economies have disappeared, largely as a result of inefficiency and low growth. Nowadays, markets, price signals, decentralization, incentives, and return-driven investment characterize resource allocation almost everywhere. This is not because markets are morally superior, though they do require freedom of choice to function effectively.

Don Tapscott: 20 Big Ideas for 2012, Part Two. What will happen in 2012?

Don Tapscott: 20 Big Ideas for 2012, Part Two

In the spirit of the aphorism "The future is not something to be predicted, it's something to be achieved," let me suggest 20 transformations (which The Huffington Post will publish in four groups of five; read the first one here). We need to make progress on these issues now to prevent next year from being a complete disaster. These ideas are based on the research I did with Anthony D. Williams to write our recent book which comes out in early 2012 as a new edition entitled Macrowikinomics: New Solutions for a Connected Planet. All 20 are based on the idea that the industrial age has finally run out of gas and we need to rebuild most of our institutions for a new age of networked intelligence and a new set of principles -- collaboration, openness, sharing, interdependence and integrity. 6. In Egypt and Tunisia we saw a revolution in how to foment revolutions. 7.

There are new emerging models for societies to be informed. 8. 9. The Straddler Review: Barack Obama and the Culture of Consultancy. The Straddler review Barack Obama and the Culture of Consultancy.

The Straddler Review: Barack Obama and the Culture of Consultancy

Create a Meaningful Life Through Meaningful Work - Umair Haque. In case you haven’t been following my tell-all confessional — I mean Twitter feed — lately, I’ve been in Manhattan for the last few weeks.

Create a Meaningful Life Through Meaningful Work - Umair Haque

Hanging out in all the wrong places (read: painfully hip power hotels), I’ve had the questionable privilege of overhearing more than my fair share of Very Serious Conversations from the movers and shakers of the world. Science And The Meaningful Life : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture. Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images What makes a life meaningful?

Science And The Meaningful Life : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture

When that eventual moment comes and we prepare to slough off this mortal coil, will we be able to look at our years on the planet and feel that we created real meaning for ourselves and those around us? Umair Haque, a blogger for the Harvard Business Review, thinks we aren't reaching our potential: GDP Needs Help: Let's Build a Second Measure of Economic Strength - Umair Haque - Business. If the crowning achievement of 20th-century economics was constructing a national income statement, the crowning achievement of 21st-century economics should be a national balance sheet Reuters Here's a tale of two equations that represent human exchange.

GDP Needs Help: Let's Build a Second Measure of Economic Strength - Umair Haque - Business

The first is the standard macroeconomist's recipe for an economy: It says: output equals consumption, plus government expenditure, plus investment, plus net exports. Ten Things You're Not Allowed to Say at Davos - Umair Haque. By Umair Haque | 10:13 AM January 28, 2011 Consider me gagged and muffled.

Ten Things You're Not Allowed to Say at Davos - Umair Haque

I confess: I wrote a long-winded, thoroughly boring, hopelessly cliched critique of Davos this year, like anyone under the age of 35 facing a future bleaker than the dark side of Pluto, probably should. Economics for Humans - HBR IdeaCast. SARAH GREEN: Welcome to HBR IdeaCast.

Economics for Humans - HBR IdeaCast

I’m here today with Umair Haque, director of Havas Media Labs, and the author of Betterness: Economics for Humans. He blogs for and was recently listed one of the most influential management thinkers in the world by the Thinkers50. How to Say "No" to an Economic Frankenfuture - Umair Haque. Dear Big Cheeses Who Run the World, We regret to inform that you’re fired.

How to Say "No" to an Economic Frankenfuture - Umair Haque

We’re really, truly sorry about this, but we’re going to have to let you go. It’s time for you to pursue other opportunities. In case you haven’t noticed (and who can blame you? A Six-Step Extreme Makeover for the Economy - Umair Haque. Why is this mysteriously reluctant so-called non-recovering recovery, at this point, as persistent as the proverbial psychotically obsessed ex from hell?

A Six-Step Extreme Makeover for the Economy - Umair Haque

I believe we stand on the cusp of a great turning point in human exchange: a quantum leap from opulence to eudaimonia. A shift from the pursuit of more, bigger, faster, cheaper, nastier, to the pursuit of lives lived meaningfully well. The catch is: we’re not taking it yet. The Institutional Innovation Manifesto - Umair Haque. If you want to be a 21st century company (or economy), if you want to survive and thrive during this Great Stagnation, you’ve got to to have the courage, foresight, and determination to step up to a higher rung on the ladder of innovation. The Smart Growth Manifesto - Umair Haque. Obama is stimulating.

Davos is deliberating. C-levels are eliminating. Wall St is recriminating. Welcome to the macropocalypse: no one, it seems, can put the global economy back together again.