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"What Font Should I Use?": Five Principles for Choosing and Using Typefaces - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement For many beginners, the task of picking fonts is a mystifying process. There seem to be endless choices — from normal, conventional-looking fonts to novelty candy cane fonts and bunny fonts — with no way of understanding the options, only never-ending lists of categories and recommendations.

Selecting the right typeface is a mixture of firm rules and loose intuition, and takes years of experience to develop a feeling for. Here are five guidelines for picking and using fonts that I’ve developed in the course of using and teaching typography. 1. Dress For The Occasion Many of my beginning students go about picking a font as though they were searching for new music to listen to: they assess the personality of each face and look for something unique and distinctive that expresses their particular aesthetic taste, perspective and personal history. The most appropriate analogy for picking type. 2. 1. 2. Examples of Humanist Sans: Gill Sans, Frutiger, Myriad, Optima, Verdana. 3. 4. 10 Principles For Readable Web Typography - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement by Matt Cronin Readability is one of the more important aspects of Web design usability. Readable text affects how users process the information in the content.

Poor readability scares readers away from the content. On the other hand, done correctly, readability allows users to efficiently read and take in the information in the text. You want users to be able to read your content and absorb it easily. In this post, we’ll explain some Web typography terms and how they play into readability; we’ll present numerous tips to help improve the readability of your content; and we’ll showcase very readable websites, layouts and articles. You may also be interested in the following related posts: The Terms, And What Each Means For Readability There are many factors that play into the readability of text.

Hierarchy Every typographic layout needs the essential element of hierarchy. UXBooth5 uses a very clean hierarchy to achieve readable Web typography. The Keys to Readable Typography 1. Shape Type, the letter shaping game. 18 Insanely Addictive Font Games. Typography helps you engage your audience and establish a distinct, unique personality on your website. Knowing how to use fonts to build character in your design is a powerful skill, and exploring the history and use of typefaces, as well as typographic theory, can help. But it doesn't have to be boring. This selection of online and mobile font games will help test and expand both your knowledge and identification skills. 1. The Font Game From I Love Typography The "rather difficult font game" from I Love Typography tests your general knowledge of fonts by displaying 34 samples. You can also download the Font Game iOS app to play on the go. 2.

Type Connection is a fun "type dating" game that helps you learn how to pair typefaces. 3. Image: Kern Type Kern Type is a game in which you try to achieve pleasant and readable text by distributing the space between letters, called "kerning" by typographers. 4. 5. 6. 7. Image: Shape Type 8. What Type Are You? 9. 10. 11. 12. Image: Rag Time 13. 14.


WhatTheFont! Travel with words with penguin books. Font utvecklad för de med dyslexi | EnklaknepEnklaknep. Det är helt sant. Det har tagits fram en font som hjälper människor att läsa bättre och snabbare. Vid första ögonkastet känns det att vara för bar för att vara sant, men när jag testade denna font i min webbläsare märkte jag en stor förändring i mitt sätt att tolka in bokstäverna. Det rapporterades på nyhetsarena att barn med dyslexi har blivit i fråntagen rätten till hjälpmedel under nationella proven. Vilket jag tycker personligen är tragiskt, eftersom människor med alla undermåliga hjälpmedel idag faller emellan stolarna. År efter år rasar siffrorna i läsförståelse i skolan. Hjälper då en font utvecklad för de med dyslexi att öka vår läsförståelse på nätet? Sudiostudio som har gjort en font utvecklad för de med dyslexi har en reklamfilm som du kan se på här nedanför.