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What Fireworks Can Do to Your Car. January is known for bell-drops, fireworks, and day-long celebrations.

What Fireworks Can Do to Your Car

If you’re planning on lighting off fireworks to celebrate the new year, there are a few precautions you might want to take. Fireworks can damage almost any surface, including your automobile. So, today, we at , your trusted provider of professional towing services in Centreville, Illinois, are here to talk to you about how fireworks can damage your car.

Don’t Drive with Any Distractions. Distracted driving is dangerous, claiming 2,841 lives in 2018 alone.

Don’t Drive with Any Distractions

Among those killed are 1,730 drivers, 605 passengers, 400 pedestrians, and 77 bicyclists. This is according to the United States Department of Transportation. With the help of social media and many apps, we are now more connected today than ever. We receive continuous updates from friends and family from all over the world. We hear about news updates, gossip, and the latest innovations in almost real-time.

And while all these sound great to the everyday reader, there are some downsides to always being online. According to studies, social media can alter a person’s memory and attention span, making it shorter and much more vulnerable to minor distractions. Safe driving requires focus and skill. Providing Road Assistance For the longest time, we’ve been providing residents with top-quality heavy duty vehicle towing in Illinois to help ensure not just your safety but your vehicles as well.

The Benefits That You Can Get From Using a Towing Service. We never know when we will experience car trouble on the road.

The Benefits That You Can Get From Using a Towing Service

Asking help from towing services provider, especially one that offers Medium Duty Vehicle Towing will save you from trouble on the road. But most people are not familiar with towing services. Some think it’s part of being a member of an exclusive auto club to get the benefit of emergency roadside assistance. Others think it just happens when you have parked illegally.

Tips for Driving in the Snow. Severe weather conditions can be dangerous for many travelers on the road.

Tips for Driving in the Snow

Winter storms and sloppy road conditions account for almost half a million crashes and more than 2,000 road accidents, according to statistics. Stay safe and protected while on the road with these tips for driving in the snow from , a licensed agency that provides clients with professional Towing Services in Centreville, Illinois. Tip # 1: Only go out when it’s necessary. Common Vehicle Maintenance Tasks to Do in the Fall.

Winter brings about tons of challenges for drivers and their vehicles.

Common Vehicle Maintenance Tasks to Do in the Fall

One missed maintenance check could cost you a fortune in terms of car repairs, which is why it’s important to always be prepared for what time may bring. To help you out, we at are giving you a list of important vehicle maintenance tasks to do in the fall in preparation for the cooler months. Make sure you do the following: Get your vehicle’s oil changed. Safety Reminders When You Have a Flat. One of the most common reasons why drivers end up calling for a heavy duty vehicle towing in Illinois is flat tires.

Safety Reminders When You Have a Flat

A flat tire often occurs because of a hole punctured by a sharp object. Even when there is only a tiny hole, a tire can lose a significant amount of air pressure, causing it to deflate. This usually happens when the driver accelerates their vehicle in places where there is a lot of debris. When you experience a flat tire, it’s going to be a dangerously bumpy trip if you continue driving your vehicle. Slowing down and then pulling over to the side of the road is the safest thing you can do in this regard.

Sell Your Junk Car for Cash. Not sure what to do with that junk car sitting and taking space in your garage?

Sell Your Junk Car for Cash

Selling it to junk car buyers might be the best solution! One reason to get rid of your junk car is for health and safety concerns. Did you know that cars may cause dangerous chemicals to leak into the ground when left unattended for a long time? If you don’t notice it on time, the chemicals can make their way into your supply for water. Be a Responsible Driver at All Times. Many drivers get into a car accident because of irresponsible drunk-driving, driving while texting, disregarding the traffic rules, and so on.

Be a Responsible Driver at All Times

As a result, they suffer the price for it—and we’re not only talking about getting injured. Drivers pay the fines if determined that they cause the accident due to violations. They may get into more legal repercussions if the injured party files a lawsuit. When to Call In a Towing Company. Most Common Reasons for a Car Breakdown. You’ve got everything prepared for a long drive.

Most Common Reasons for a Car Breakdown

From the things you need to bring down to the best route to take, you know you’ve got everything all planned out. Suddenly, something unexpected happens along the road. All the planning and preparations now seem insignificant. It just feels so disappointing when your car breaks down right in the middle of the road. Although the situation feels hopeless, it does not mean that there is no solution for it.