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Home page on session timeout. How to create a Scheduled Job in Liferay 6. If you want to have a cron job, a scheduled task or a scheduled task in Liferay 6, you can do the following:Note, that all of this takes place in your portlet - no need to go for the ext environment.Create the class that contains your business codeImplement the MessageListener interface and put your business code into the "receive" method. import com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.Message;import com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.MessageListener;import com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.MessageListenerException;public class TestJob implements MessageListener { @Override public void receive(Message arg0) throws MessageListenerException { System.out.println("doing important work ...

How to create a Scheduled Job in Liferay 6

"); }}Configure Your PortletYour Portlet needs to have the configuration for the TestJob. <simple-trigger-value>1</simple-trigger-value> How to use Custom Attributes to enhance Users. Out-Of-The-Box Features # Liferay provides a UI and API to allow for the creation of customized attributes associated with any entity generated by Service Builder.

How to use Custom Attributes to enhance Users

These attributes provide for extensibility without the need for extending the Liferay DB schema. Liferay modifs.