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iPad Orientation CSS « Cloud Four. For the most part, Mobile Safari on the iPad is the same as that on the iPhone.

iPad Orientation CSS « Cloud Four

One difference that I’ve found is that Webkit on the iPad honors CSS media query declarations based on orientation. I’ve built a sample page demonstrating orientation css for iPad. Using orientation in CSS is very simple. The code looks like this: In this example, the only difference between the two stylesheets is that they hide one of two headings. Tutorial: install Java on the IPhone. This is a tutorial, that shows step by step how to install Java on the IPhone.

Tutorial: install Java on the IPhone

What we need is a working unlocked and jailbraked IPhone with . I used latest firmware 1.1.4, unlocked, jailbreaked and customized by . Developing iPhone Applications using Java. How To Develop iPhone Applications in Java for Distribution (Without Jailbreaking) iPhone is a great phone to develop applications for.

How To Develop iPhone Applications in Java for Distribution (Without Jailbreaking)

Unfortunately Apple decided to restrict developing iPhone applications in a less known language called Objective C, which is used pretty much within Apple (and by Apple developers) and almost noweher else. Only Steve Jobs knows the reason behind this strange decision. Java ( J2ME) is the most popular language & platform for mobile development. So Java developers need a way to develop applications for iPhone too by leveraging their core competency.