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DownWithTyranny! Between Cultures Daily. A Moose Among Us | Mommy Memoirs. In case you were distracted by news from Syria, or mired too deeply in details of the sequester in DC, or that lingering war in Afghanistan, you might have missed this page A1 story– there’s a moose on the loose in LaGrange. LaGrange, where I live, is a quiet little town about an hour north of NYC. Population is listed as 15,730 humans – oh, and that one moose. In recent weeks, the moose has been spotted in the fields and streams near Arlington High School in town and local residents seem to be enamored by this new visitor. It’s a young moose, apparently, judging from the Poughkeepsie Journal newspaper’s photos galleries and online video. That part is true.

So why all the fuss about a moose? It’s probably because he’s the only moose in town, or even all of Dutchess County. We know what moose are. It must be news because the YNN news truck was there filming it from the overpass. Nothing to see?! There was plenty to see! But for once, this isn’t about the river. But wait. “He’s gone! Nature Bats Last – Nature Bats Last.

All the best with love and attitude | Pretty Snarky.