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How Emotional Freedom Technique Can Help You Fight Cancer. You may know that stress reduction is vital to maintaining health and fighting cancer, but just where do you begin to create true emotional health? Luckily, you might not have to spend hours in a therapist’s chair in order to heal the emotional wounds that could be standing between you and cancer healing and prevention. Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as EFT or Tapping) is a fast, easy, and effective way to reduce anxiety, clear emotional blocks, and become more peaceful and focused in all areas of your life. The Psychological Side of Cancer Did you know that studies from over twenty years ago indicate that acute or chronic psychological stress can lead to DNA damage? “I searched for cancer in the cell and I have found it in the brain,” said renowned German cancer surgeon Dr. R.G. Hamer after examining over 20,000 patients with cancer. Hamer and others, such as Dr. What Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Does Another name for Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is Meridian Tapping.

Opschudding in de waarheid over resonantie therapie - Beyond medicine. Een enorme doorbraak: aangetoond dat Resonantie frequenties kankercellen kunnen doden. Anthony Holland, Professor en Director of Music Technology bij Skidmore College in New York, Verenigde Staten en zijn collega-onderzoekers ontdekten dat door het creëren van aangepaste digitale elektronische signalen ze kankercellen en Methicilline-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) kunnen doden. In hun laboratoriumexperimenten gebruikte het team oscillerende Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEN). Resonerende trillingen die in een korte tijd cellen zoals bij alvleesklierkanker, leukemie, eierstokkanker en de gevaarlijke antibioticaresistente bacterie MRSA kunnen doden. Holland creëerde een apparaat dat plasma pulserend licht gebruikt om de juiste elektronische frequentiesignalen uit te zenden en hiermee trillingen in specifieke micro-organismen te induceren.

Je vindt hieronder een TED-toespraak van Anthony Holland waarin hij zijn ontdekkingen onthult. Voor meer informatie klik hier. Oncology nurse quits after discovering nutrition heals cancer. Frankincense and Cancer - What You Need to Know About This Essential Oil. As they made their iconic trek from the Far East to witness the invaluable gift of the newborn King, the three wise men from the biblical account of Jesus’ birth came bearing their own gifts. One of them, frankincense, possesses a value much more significant than just a fragrant incense. It demonstrates powerful anti-cancer effects that even in modern times legitimize this precious oil as being truly fit for a king. The oil of frankincense has been used for thousands of years to quell disease-causing inflammation, support heightened immunity, and prevent dangerous infections. But many people remain unaware of the added cancer-fighting potential of this precious serum, which researchers from the University of Leicester in the UK (among others), have confirmed through rigorous scientific testing.

Also known as boswellia, frankincense claims as part of its vast nutrient profile a unique compound known as acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid, or AKBA for short. What's Your Cancer Risk? Thyroid cancer patients report poor quality of life despite 'good' diagnosis. Thyroid cancer survivors report poor quality of life after diagnosis and treatment compared with other patients who are diagnosed with more lethal cancers, according to new research from the University of Chicago Medicine. The findings, published Dec. 11 in the journal Thyroid, shed light on a rarely studied outcome for a growing group of patients who are expected to soon account for 10 percent of all of American cancer survivors. Thyroid cancer patients have a nearly 98 percent five-year survival rate, according to the National Cancer Institute.

More than 95 percent survive a decade, leading some to call it a "good cancer. " But those successful outcomes mean few thyroid cancer survivorship studies have been conducted. UChicago Medicine researchers Briseis Aschebrook-Kilfoy, PhD, assistant research professor in epidemiology, and Raymon Grogan, MD, assistant professor of surgery, are trying to address that data gap. More information: Briseis Aschebrook-Kilfoy et al.

Why Mammography Screening is being Abolished in Switzerland | Healthy News and Information. Why Mammography Screening is being Abolished in Switzerland Content From The Web:Content From The Web:Content From The Web:Content From The Web:Content From The Web: Close This content has been recommended to you by Yavli. Both Yavli and the website displaying the recommendations may receive compensation as a result of the content being clicked. View our Privacy Policy. by DR. Last year, the Swiss Medical Board, an independent health technology assessment initiative, was asked to prepare a review of mammography screening. After a year of reviewing the available evidence and its implications, they noted they became “increasingly concerned” about what they were finding.

On the contrary, mammography appeared to be preventing only one death for every 1,000 women screened, while causing harm to many more. 3 Primary Reasons the Swiss Medical Board Recommended No More Systematic Mammograms 1. 2. 3. “How can women make an informed decision if they overestimate the benefit of mammography so grossly?” Chemicals and Radiation Linked to Breast Cancer. Help us expose and eliminate the environmental causes of breast cancer.Together we can stop this disease before it starts. In our daily lives we are exposed to toxic chemicals and radiation from a wide range of sources, and large and growing body of scientific evidence tells us that some of these exposures can increase breast cancer risk.

Exposures to breast carcinogens—chemicals that directly cause breast cancer—are an obvious concern. But we also must pay attention to exposures to chemicals that disrupt the body’s hormones—chemicals known as endocrine-disrupting compounds—as well as to physical agents such as ionizing radiation. Below is a catalogue of chemicals and physical agents that have been linked to breast cancer. Hover over each image for a quick description or click on the image for in-depth science. Key to Health Concerns. Pleidooi voor biologische kankerbestrijding.. Auteur van dit artikel, Dr. Piet de Veer (1933), deed zijn studie Biologie aan de Universiteit van Leiden, waarna hij promoveerde aan de Universiteit van Nijmegen. Hij werd daarna biologieleraar aan het Bernardinuscollege te Heerlen en docent anatomie, fysiologie en embryologie aan de opleiding voor vroedvrouwen te Heerlen.

Inmiddels gepensioneerd, publiceert hij artikelen en is een groot voorstander geworden van het op de schop gooien van de huidige kankertherapieën en het promoten/onderzoeken van nieuwe, vooral natuurlijk-biologische vormen van kankerpreventie en -bestrijding. Menselijke T-cellen in de aanval op een kankercel. Een van zijn, aan duidelijkheid niets te wensen overlatende commentaren, over de huidige kankertherapieën:“Het zou mij een lief ding waard zijn, als de medici voor de behandeling van kankerpatiënten eindelijk eens zouden kiezen voor bewezen, wérkende therapieën. Dan zou voorkomen kunnen worden dat patiënten zichzelf thuis moeten gaan behandelen. x Pleidooi voor x E.