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Ad Formats & Showcase. STRETCH™ is our unique HTML5 Responsive Ad Unit Technology.

Ad Formats & Showcase

Anyone can create responsive banners ads in minutes from desktop ads to all other screens (tablet, mobile). Our WYSIWYG (self-serve) service allows you to upload a PSD (Photoshop) file of the desktop ad design and easily create a fluid HTML5 cloud-hosted Responsive Creative that can be deployed as a STRETCH Ad(s); any size, infinite number of possibilities. Create a simple banner ad in Flash. Community Translation Episode available in 1 languages Available Translations:

Create a simple banner ad in Flash

ActionScript 3 Fundamentals. Best Practices for Banner Ads. If you’ve ever been online — which, if you’re reading this, I assume you have — you’ve probably encountered a banner advertisement or two.

Best Practices for Banner Ads

These typically come in the form of a prominent image on the page, although the exact size, positioning and content can differ drastically. There’s more to creating a banner ad than just opening up a new Photoshop canvas and throwing together some pictures though.