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Flan de coco. Pizza Stuffed Pretzel Rolls. I’m going unprocessed this month. Which, as my favorite byproduct of this exercise, has pushed me out of my grocery buying comfort zone and reminded me to wander into local bakeries and specialty food stores to rely on what they have to offer. I love supporting local mom & pop shops, and even though I eat a very unprocessed diet on a regular basis, this is a great way for me to double check all of my eating habits. When I had the idea for these stuck in my head, I wanted to make it as easy as possible for the both of us. I found out a few interesting short cuts for pizza dough. You can also look at your local regular-guy markets (Trader Joe’s, Fresh & Easy, Whole Foods) if you don’t have any Italian culinary entrepreneur in your neighborhood. Pizza Stuffed Pretzel Rolls 1 batch Pizza dough 1/2 cup marinara sauce 2 oz peperoni, chopped 1/2 cup cheese (mozzarella, cheddar, whatever you want) 1/4 cup baking soda 2 tbs sugar 3 tbs melted butter course salt Preheat oven to 350.

Now you have 8 pieces! Do you have a picky eater? My 3 year old has got to be the pickiest eater ever. A year ago she was diagnosed with celiac disease so her food options are limited. Add her super picky eating habits on top of that and it is a wonder that eats anything at all. Anyways, a while back I got this great idea. i thought that if I could find some cookie cutters and cut her food up into fun bite-sized shapes, she might just eat more. I searched all over the local stores (which in my small town was a total of 3) but all I could find were larger cookie cutters.

The goldfish were made using a strip of a soda can bent in the shape of a fish. Here are the supplies needed to make your own cookie cutters. Soda canScissorsSuper glue or tape (I used super glue. Cutting the can lengthwise will make larger cookie cutters, while cutting them from top to bottom will make smaller ones. Voila... your very own mini cookie cutters. These should be dishwasher safe although I would put them in a dishwasher basket Did you enjoy this post?

Pinspiration Friday. Yesterday's workout A.M. walked 7km pushing a stroller P.M. Ran 4km on the treadmill Total mileage so far this week: 40.5km Welcome to Pinspiration Friday, here is what I tried from Pinterest this week and my reviews. First was a homemade teeth whitening concoction. It consisted of mixing a little bit of mouthwash with some hydrogen peroxide.

A little underwhelming, not much change really. The next thing I tried was making homemade ice cream with the kiddies. For this project you will need: 1/2c of half and half (apparently milk works too) 1Tbsp of granulated sugar 1tsp of vanilla extract 1 large and 1 small ziploc bag ice salt (and two excited little kids) Mix together milk, sugar and vanilla extract in the small bag. Set your timer for 5 minutes and start shaking! Pass it around so everyone gets a chance to shake. The shaking was the fun part, lots of laughs which turned to shrieking as the timer got close to the end. Enjoy the finished product. :) I actually think this worked quite well. Pinspiration Friday.