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The International Center for Reiki Training. The International Center for Reiki Training. Home - Lotus Blossom Reiki - Springfield, MO. iBody DIRECTORY. Hello there, world…or more realistically… Hello there, 12 loyal readers. Today is a big day for me and dear friend, Denee’. We’re both sitting at our computers, being creative with our words, images and videos as we say good-bye and put iBody® to rest.

As some of you know, I conceptualized a printed wellness directory and with Denee’s help, a community who met monthly in 2012 and 2013 to share whole health resources and ideas. Nearly 22k wellness directories were distributed around Springfield over the last two years, connecting the community and highlighting natural health, a/k/a disease prevention. Today marks the conclusion of the iBody® project while we have accepted new jobs and focus. Speaking for myself…I’m now mastering the art of taking care of MY body and my family.

There really isn’t anything worse than trying to promote health while feeling like a total hypocrite. The iBody® side project was an amazing experience for me. Xoxo. Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight.