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Do Innovation Consultants Kill Innovation? | Co.Design. Are companies more innovative than ever before? Judging from the vast number of Fortune 500 companies professing their commitment to innovation, the answer is yes. But we sense that the more a company talks, thinks, and strategizes about innovation, the less real, big innovation it produces. Take the electronics maker Philips, which introduced one of the world’s first electronic razors, the compact cassette, the CD, and many other game-changing inventions. In more recent years, Philips has been a fixture at innovation and design conferences, presenting impressive strategies, road maps, and processes. The company commands impressive sales--its market cap is about $15 billion--but most people would be hard-pressed to think of a recent exciting breakthrough from the Dutch company.

We are not alone in our belief that innovation in one respect has plateaued. The creation of the innovation consultant marks a sea change. The problem with the innovation professionals is twofold. Innovation-infographic.jpg (2000×1200) 10 Predictions for Innovators in 2012. Hmmm…. 2012…. Not your average date in the calendar, according to everyone from the ancient Mayans to hordes of New Agers who are busy getting ready for “galactic alignment”, to popular fiction’s high priest of secret mystical knowledge, Dan Brown, to Hollywood’s master of the cataclysmic blockbuster, Roland Emmerich. 2012 has been the inspiration for hundreds of books and hundreds of thousands of websites focused on spiritual transformation, the end of “The Great Cycle”, “Harmonic Convergence”, and “Balancing the Cosmos”.

In fact, NASA’s public outreach website “Ask an Astrobiologist” has already received over 5,000 questions from the public about what next year might bring, some asking whether they should kill themselves, their children or their pets as we approach impending doom! So when we sat down to write our 10 predictions for 2012 we did so with a degree of humility, certainly not claiming to know anything more about next year than any of the reputable parties mentioned above. 12/12 > BE Etats-Unis 270 > Face à la difficulté d'innover, les grandes entreprises explorent de nouvelles stratégies.

Innovation et valorisation de la rechercheFace à la difficulté d'innover, les grandes entreprises explorent de nouvelles stratégies En cette année 2011, l'innovation, tout comme l'entrepreneuriat, ont occupé une place non négligeable dans la paysage économique mondial, tout particulièrement aux Etats-Unis. Le gouvernement fédéral en a fait sa priorité, à travers un ensemble d'initiatives telles que la formation des "Innovation Corps" [1], la mise en place d'un crédit d'impôt sur le financement de l'innovation ("Small Business Investment Act") [2], ou la création du partenariat public-privé "Startup America Partnership" [3].

Toutes ces initiatives présentent un point commun, celui d'être principalement destinées aux petites et moyennes entreprises, source numéro un d'innovation et de création d'emplois aux Etats-Unis [1]. De la difficulté de rendre une grande organisation innovante Certains géants ont-ils trouvé la clé ?