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Open Money

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PREZ3 | Universal Subtitles. The Future of Money | Universal Subtitles. The Future of Money. Bernard Lietaer 2012 Time for Change Presents Part1. Arthur Brock - Transitioning to the New Economy. Money: A New Beginning. This essay is the first in a two-part series. An irremediable structural flaw lies at the base of our civilization. I call it Separation, and it has generated all the converging crises -- economic, health, ecological, and political -- of our day. It manifests as separation from each other in the dissolution of community, separation from nature in the destruction of the environment, separation within our selves in the deterioration of health. Science is its deep ideology, technology is its accomplice, and money is its agent.

Money as we know it today is intimately related to our identity as discrete and separate selves, as well as to the destruction that our separation has wrought. A saying goes, "Money is the root of all evil. " For indeed, we live in a world of fundamental abundance, a world where vast quantities of food, energy, and materials go to waste. Money utterly fails to connect gifts and needs. The defining characteristic of money today is usury, better known as interest.

Open Money: Part 1. Open Money. Open = Project to develop a software and infrastructure to enable peer-based multiple local currencies. URL = "The open money project aims to create the global infrastructure, tools, governance mechanisms and platforms that will give communities the capacity to create their own currencies[1] with just a few clicks and thereby liberate their wealth potential.

This will become the most important evolution for society in the coming years. " ( "Money is making a fundamental evolutionary step into community currencies. The open money project aims to create the global infrastructure, tools, governance mechanisms and platforms that will give communities this capacity. “Open money is a means of exchange freely available to all. How does open money work? You treasure what you measure, and you measure what you treasure.

From Open Money has to be: "Peer-to-peer Viral. Open money. Jean-Michel Cornu : "Un particulier peut créer sa propre monnaie" JMC - Le fait que ce sujet, plus ancien qu'on ne le pense généralement, prenne une nouvelle dimension est dû à plusieurs facteurs : la crise financière et monétaire bien sûr, mais aussi l'arrivée depuis quelques mois de plates-formes permettant de créer sa monnaie sur internet ou sur téléphone mobile qui devraient démocratiser la conception et la diffusion de monnaies complémentaires.

Nous devrions donc avoir une émergence de ce que l'on appelle l'innovation ascendante (une innovation faites par un très grand nombre de personnes plutôt que réservée à un petit nombre de chercheurs spécialisés). Pour prendre un exemple, le fait que l'informatique et les réseaux soient passés dans le monde de l'innovation ascendante grace aux micro ordinateurs, au Web et plus récemment au Web 2.0 fait que depuis 1993, la naissance du Web, jusqu'à nos jours il y a eu plus d'innovations (technologiques mais aussi de service ou d'usage) que depuis la naissance de l'humanité jusquà 1993. Can "Complementary" Currencies Save Us From the Next Crash? | Show Me the Money. In the wake of a global meltdown that exposed the fragility of our financial system, it's understandable that many people are suspicious of the stability of our centralized monetary systems.

"We have had 97 major banking crashes over the last 25 years, and we have 178 monetary crashes over that same time period," says Belgian currency expert Bernard Lietaer. "Would you not say that’s a sign of something being repeatedly unstable? " As a result, Lietaer and others are advocating for "complementary" currency systems—alternative monetary devices that run parallel to centralized currencies. These can take the form of local currencies separate from the government, or even organized barter arrangements. One example of such a currency, says Lietaer, is the Wirtschaftsring (Wir), which was established in 1934 and is used by 75,000 businesses in Switzerland alongside the Swiss franc. Lietaer says that larger complementary currencies can also play a social role. More Resources: An Alternate Internet and The New Peer-to-Peer Currency. The flowplace.

TAOA | There Are Other Alternatives.