IoT’s Mortal Enemy: The Product Owner | DesignMind. The future of the Internet of Things is less certain than it seems. We understand that the Internet of Things (IoT) is going to be big. As employees and consumers, we will be able to make decisions based on more accurate data. As managers, we will have new tools that reduce waste and inefficiencies in the workplace. But if this highly anticipated future is to happen, we must explore how financial rationalization, strategic partnering, and platform complexity influence the mortal enemy of the IoT: the product owner. Financial Rationalization Historically, products have been launched through stage-gate product development, in which ROI and margin calculations have been the guide rails for decisions. In his Harvard Business Review article “The Capitalist’s Dilemma,” Clay Christensen indicates that common financial ratios used as success metrics can deter investment in growth.
Strategic Partnerships Platform Complexity IoT devices require software and cloud platforms. As tech giants prepare for connected living, marketers risk being left behind | Media Network. Driverless cars and drones have stolen all the tech headlines in the past few months, fuelled by the Google PR machine and high-profile public testing in the UK. But the stark reality is that they are at the end of the rainbow that is the next phase of the digital revolution.
If the past 10 years were about digital disruption as first the computer-based information superhighway and then the mobile app economy challenged some of the more conventional business, the next decade will be about the transformation of the old, as everything and anything becomes connectable and connected to a nebulous internet of things (IoT). A recent government report (pdf) suggested that drivers will be passengers in their own cars by 2030. The importance for marketers is not the driverless aspect of this, but that most, if not all, of these cars will be connected – that means that millions of people will be spending hours in traffic jams, constantly connected. Talking to CBC Spark About Emotion and Technology — Changeist. Becky Stern - What's Working in Wearables (2014 OHS) Emotion and the Internet of Things — Changeist. Last month I was invited to speak at Thingscon's inaugural Dutch event in Amsterdam while on a swing through the country (I'll be speaking at the main Thingscon in Berlin in April, stay tuned for details).
My topic of choice focused on the emerging use of "emotion" in the Internet of Things—a topic that's been on my mind, and one that an increasing array of startups are beginning to build their pitches around. The idea that technologies that sense and report, and will be present both on our bodies and in our immediate environments is one that can be both exciting and fraught with problems. In 20 minutes, I tried to scratch the surface of some of these issues, illustrated by the slides embedded above. Assessing a user's state of mind isn't a new thing in human-computer interaction. Flash forward almost 50 years, and technologists and researchers are trying to do the same thing, but with more sophisticated kit and better pattern matching.
The Future of Wearable Technology in Pictures. Last month we announced a contest to give away two copies of Drawing Ideas along with some stencils from UI Stencils. To enter, readers were asked to sketch a response to the following prompt: "Show us where wearable technology is headed and what kind of ecosystem it will exist in. " "Selecting outright winners was difficult," Mark Baskinger and William Bardel, the authors of Drawing Ideas say. "We found all of the submissions to be intriguing and are thrilled to see that designers continue to sketch and visually communicate via hand-drawn methods.
We thank all who took the time to participate in this competition. The winning submissions demonstrate a good craft of drawing, organized composition and layout, and clarity of intent. " Click on any of the images below for full-size versions. The 1st place submission comes from Błażej Krysiak, a UI/UX Architect from Poland. He calls his concept "The Tagables" and it consists of an e-ink smartwatch and a pair of ring-controlled smartglasses. 10 Top Wearable Technology Design Principles | Design Principles FTW. People, Ubiquity, and the Internet of Things: The New Mobile Context. By Steven Hoober and Mudassir Azeemi Published: January 13, 2014 “We like to distinguish between the environmental and situational contexts of people regardless of the device. … Interactions in all … contexts are important….”
In the days before the iPhone, when only a relatively few of us thought daily about mobile devices, mobile apps, and the mobile Web, we often heard the term context bandied about. Every design discussion revolved around the fact that mobile phones could go with us anywhere; therefore, anything we designed to work on them should work everywhere.
The environmental context—whether indoors, outdoors, walking, or on a bus or train—mattered a lot. Of course, all of this has changed now—and not because the context of mobile phones has stopped being ubiquitous. We like to distinguish between the environmental and situational contexts of people regardless of the device. Context via New Technologies? “A key tenet of our digital life is that software controls everything digital. Design Thinking 2.0 – LEAN Prototyping will be the New Way to Design for IOT. I believe we are ready to test drive new type of Design Thinking powered by LEAN Prototyping consisting of Visualization, Business Analytics, Crowd Sourcing, Gamification, and KickStarter type vendor relationships.
In past blogs, I have communicated that the current incarnation of Design Thinking needs to be restructured in order to be of value as a repeatable design approach. Here I will layout how this new approach will work. First, let’s look at the problem statement in front of us: How will designers apply their specific contributions to the world of IOT? Good design will be defined in the following attributes: Design goals will include: • Achieve hardware standardization through software-based customization • Enable personalization • Incorporate the ability to support ongoing product upgrades • Enable predictive, enhanced, or remote service. Believe or not, the answers to a new Design Paradigm can be found in approaches and lessons learned in the manufacturing of automobiles. 1. 2. SXSW 2015 DESIGNING YOUR FUTURE WITH THE CONNECTED CAR. Vehicles continue to grow smarter and more connected. From cars that interact with our homes and cities to driverless cars that chauffeur us wherever we want to go, the next ten years will see a fundamental shift in the way we engage with our cars and the role they play in our lives.
Magazines and concept videos are beginning to show what this connected future might look like. But as drivers, passengers, and pedestrians, what does the connected car mean for the way we live? What role will the connected car have in the way that we do our work and care for our families? How will it change the great American road trip? Join frog as we take a user-centered design approach to explore the future of the connected car. In a two-and-a-half-hour workshop, we will discuss the changing relationship we have with cars now, explore the technological changes we might see in the near future, and sketch out a range of concepts and future experiences that the connected car will enable.
Forget Big Data -- Small Data Is Driving The Internet Of Things. Ten examples of IoT and big data working well together. Many of the conversations taking place around the Internet of Things (IoT) are incomplete without a mention of big data. Connected devices, sensors, and algorithms all operate in ways that involve massive amounts of data. "The success or failure of the Internet of Things hinges on big data," says Brian Hopkins, an analyst with Forrester Research. As organizations step into IoT, they must understand the symbiotic relationship between it and big data.
For IoT deployments to really make an impact, they must provide some sort of useful tool or service, while also collecting relevant data. Just like with any big-data play, merely collecting the data isn't enough. Here are ten examples of IoT and big data working well together to provide analysis and insight. One of the largest shipping companies in the world, UPS, has been using sensor data and big-data analytics to save money, improve efficiency, and lessen its environmental impact. 2.
Barcelona is no stranger to technological innovation. 3.
Internet of Things: Six Key Characteristics. By Carlos Elena-Lenz - December 16, 2013 Creating Internet of Things products can place businesses and their product teams in an uncomfortable place by pushing them outside of their comfort zone. In the third installment of our Internet of Things series, we will explore six design characteristics to help guide IoT product teams as they set forth into uncharted territory. The Internet of Things is a double-edged sword for designers of all stripes because “things,” or endpoints, can take on a myriad of form factors.
The variability is a blessing and curse. With a field of wide open choices, how do you decide where to focus? I have found myself at this crossroads of enthusiasm and practicality working with multidisciplinary teams on IoT products. Intelligence Together algorithms and compute (i.e. software & hardware) provide the “intelligent spark” that makes a product experience smart. Connectivity Connectivity in the IoT is more than slapping on a WiFi module and calling it a day. Sensing. Four types of Internet of Things? | Berg Blog. I’m currently pulling together a few slides to introduce Berg as a platform to a few manufacturers. Which means I’ll be introducing the Internet of Things! As I’ve mentioned before, I have mixed feelings about the term “Internet of Things”… it seems to mean everything and nothing. Like, is it RFIDs in airports to track luggage, combine harvesters driven by town-wide WiMAX, or web-connected receipt printers for the home? Too much. So for consumer Internet of Things, it seems useful to make categories (I’m going to ignore agriculture, health, industry and whatnot).
The idea is that the manufacturer should choose the user benefit they most want to enable, then choose the category that best fits. Here’s my slide so far (tap for embiggening). For me these categories are driven by different things: There are other connectivity models, and I reckon that this time next year categories will have merged and others appeared. Or is it? A closer look at the Internet of Things: A new industrial revolution.
The Internet of Things is just the latest buzzword that is being used to push all manner of products. Let's cut to the chase - it's just about "stuff" (other than obvious things like computers and phones) connecting to the Internet. Nothing more than that. But this dismissive sounding definition is not meant to undermine the importance or the significance of the IoT. We've spent the last 20 years or so getting used to the idea of accessing the web, harnessing what it has to offer, exploiting it in various ways and finding all manner of methods of using it to make life easier, more entertaining, and more profitable. The evolution of the Internet of Things sees this taken to the next level. We are on the cusp of a new industrial revolution.
Many would say that the wheels are already in motion. A report by Westbase Technology shows just what could be gained from the spread of M2M technology, and shows that we may not have to wait all that long to start reaping the benefits. The Internet of Things: it's a really big deal | Technology | The Observer. Good morning! Or evening, if you happen to be reading this on the other side of the world. Our topic for today is the internet. What? You already know about the internet? It's called the Internet of Things or IoT and it's got everybody very excited over in Silicon Valley, where they hyperventilate a lot about technology.
Translated into English, that means billions of gadgets, each one of them connected to the internet and communicating madly with one another without much in the way of human intervention. You think I jest? Like I said, everybody who is anybody in the tech business is very turned on by the IoT. That's why it's sooo annoying when the media publicise scare stories about security lapses involving connected gadgets.
This is so unfair. What's that? Why Experience Design Rules the Internet of Things | The Canary Blog. If you are an Internet of Things startup, you may have been told that you need an “experience designer” to help really make your product sing. This is true, but experience design is a lot bigger than you think. There’s been a lot of talk lately about putting all of your effort into the software, and that software is what creates the “experience”. Some people feel once you get your software right, you can throw some “industrial design” at the hardware to pretty it up, and the result will be revolutionary.
This approach is not only a bad idea—it will guarantee failure. There’s no question that experience design is crucial, but in today’s market, it’s too narrowly defined and undervalued. The HCI Shift So, how did we get here? How Have Software and Apps Affected Industrial Design? As new products emerged with GUIs as the main point of user interaction, industrial designers found that the process of design thinking could be applied to both hardware and software. Design and Dieter Rams. The Path To A Programmable World. We now live in a world permeated by computers. From phones to watches, home thermostats to coffee makers, and even ball-point pens, more and more of the gadgets we interact with on a daily basis are general-purpose computational devices in disguise.
These “smart” devices differ from ordinary ones in that they are programmable and can therefore respond to users’ specific needs and demands. For example, I recently bought the Jawbone Up 24, a rubber bracelet fitness monitor that tracks my daily movement. While the Jawbone is an interesting gadget on its own, it also works with a cross-device interface I can program. What will this programmable world look like? The Rise of Responsive Devices At the simplest level, a programmable device is one that can take on variety of behaviors at a user’s command without requiring physical changes.
The iRobot Roomba Making Products Truly Programmable One promising solution is to combine the interfaces for several products in the same system. Michael L. Is This The Secret To A Cheaper Internet Of Things? To solve help their own team more easily write and share code, Temboo designed a new way to program called Twyla. It was originally just an internal experiment, but it wasn't long before they figured out it was something special. “It started from a bigger idea of how to get systems talking together, and rethinking at a really high level how to program,” says Vaughn Shinall, Temboo engineer and head of Product Outreach.
Over a period of time that grew into a new visual programming language and an unexpected discovery: that Twyla is also a way to program connected hardware. And right now, there is nothing else like it out there. How Twyla Could Change Hardware Programming How does Twyla work? "You can create really complex chains of processes in Twyla so that you can have a device that in itself seems rather dumb, but if it’s connected to the Internet it can call up a complex process," says Shinall. For Shinall and his team, the discovery started with Spotify. The engineer started playing. A User-First Approach to Location Tracking. Behind GE's Vision For The Industrial Internet Of Things. Dropbox's Head of Design on the Dawn of Personalized Products. The Internet of YOU: When Wearable Tech and the Internet of Things Collide. Design Jam: Wearables in the Workplace « The EchoUser Experience | Thoughts and stories from our work and otherwise. Enjoy.
Philosophy. Future of IoT. Context is the new search. AI and the internet of things. The Internet of Open Things. Animals. Features. Safety. Product Covergence in the age if the IoT. Empathy and technology. Beyond-screen: gesture UX. Customized customer journeys. Internet of everything and privacy. Internet of Things Analytics - IoTA.