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Camille Paglia. American feminist academic and critic Personal life[edit] Paglia was born in Endicott, New York, the eldest child[4] of Pasquale and Lydia Anne (née Colapietro) Paglia. All four of her grandparents were born in Italy. Her mother emigrated to the United States at five years old from Ceccano, in the province of Frosinone, Lazio, Italy.[2][5] Paglia has stated that her father's side of the family was from the Campanian towns of Avellino, Benevento, and Caserta.

Paglia was raised Roman Catholic,[7] and attended primary school in rural Oxford, New York, where her family lived in a working farmhouse.[8] Her father, a veteran of World War II,[9] taught at the Oxford Academy high school and exposed his young daughter to art through books he brought home about French art history. Paglia is an atheist, but has stated she has "a very spiritual mystic view of the universe".[22] Education[edit] Career[edit] Views[edit] Feminism[edit] Transgender people[edit] Climate change[edit] French academia[edit] Thomas Paine. This website contains these four works of Thomas Paine, pamphleteer, patriot, dreamer (1737–1809) • COMMON SENSE(1776)Paine's call to arms for America. • THE AMERICAN CRISIS(1776-77)"These are the times that try men's souls. " • THE RIGHTS OF MAN(1791-92)Paine's reply to an attack on the French Revolution by Edmund Burke. • AGE OF REASON(1794, 1795, 1807)Paine's biting Deist criticism of the Bible and the church.

In three parts. "These are the times that try men's souls. " This simple quotation from Founding Father Thomas Paine's The American Crisis not only describes the beginnings of the American Revolution, but also the life of Paine himself. Brief Biography On January 29, 1737, Thomas Paine was born in Thetford, England. His career turned to journalism while in Philadelphia, and suddenly, Thomas Paine became very important.

By 1793, he was imprisoned in France for not endorsing the execution of Louis XVI. About this Website Choose a Work by Thomas Paine... John Stuart Mill. 1. Life John Stuart Mill was born in Pentonville, then a suburb of London. He was the eldest son of James Mill, a Scotsman who had come to London and become a leading figure in the group of philosophical radicals which aimed to further the utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham. John Stuart Mill's mother was Harriet Barrow, who seems to have had very little influence upon him. James Mill's income was at first slight, as he struggled to make his living as a reviewer. At fifteen John Stuart Mill undertook the study of Bentham's various fragments on the theory of legal evidence.

In 1826, Mill suffered a sudden attack of intense depression. Mill met Gustave d'Eichtahl in 1828. Mill now saw his task to be that of helping British society to emerge into the coming organic period. Tactically, the social reformer in critical periods cannot proceed by formulating grand philosophic schemes, however correct they may be in principle. In 1830 Mill was introduced to Harriet Taylor. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Bujold Nexus - The Lois McMaster Bujold Homepage.

Isaac Asimov Home Page. Welcome to the Isaac Asimov Home Page. Here you'll find a comprehensive collection of resources pertaining to Isaac Asimov (1920-1992), the quintessential author, who in his lifetime wrote over 500 books that enlightened, entertained, and spanned the realm of human knowledge. The Isaac Asimov FAQ The FAQ for the Usenet newsgroup alt.books.isaac-asimov provides answers to the frequently asked questions about Isaac Asimov, and is an excellent place to start if you have questions about him.

Included is biographical information about both his personal life and his literary life, answers to questions about the Foundation and Robot series, and more. For a German translation of the FAQ, see Bálint Krizsán's site. The Isaac Asimov Memorial Panel Debate Janet and Robyn Asimov, working with the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, established the Isaac Asimov Fund to support the annual Isaac Asimov Memorial Panel Debate as part of the Museum's Hayden Planetarium Programs. Reviews. Stanislaw Lem. Vernor Vinge.

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