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Forums : Off-topic Discussion : Top 3-5 authors of literature. Gabriel García Márquez I was looking for good literature in Spanish. Can you recommend anyone else? Number 3 on my list is something you should definitely look into if you haven't already. Yay, I'm getting a visitor! :D 1. Robert Jordan (I love the WoT. 2. 3. I enjoy literary classics too, but I grew up with Jordan and McCaffrey and Chabon is just amazing. There's a difference between having a favourite novel and a favourite author. My favourite novel is probably but I wouldn't consider Joseph Heller to be one of the greatest writers just because of my love for his first book. I'm currently reading and, although I'm absolutely hooked, I wouldn't consider Dostoyevksy one of the greatest writers... In my opinion, some of the greatest writers to date are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ok, so I don't have a number 5 but I think that's a good a list as I can think of off the top of my head.

COMO ESCRIBIR UNA NOVELA DE MISTERIO (I) ***Guía para escribir una Novela de Misterio. A día de hoy surge cada vez más gente _da igual su edad, extracción social y dedicación_ que quiere probar a escribir una historia personal y original; sin embargo, muchas veces no saben por donde empezar y necesitan algunos consejos. Mis consejos van dirigidos concretamente al género de la novela de misterio, que es el que más me atrae; espero que os guste y sea útil. 1.- Estructura el Misterio _ El misterio _como género_ es una trama más o menos larga con un gran secreto en su interior, que deberemos ir desarrollando y desvelando. Para hacerlo bien, al contar nuestra historia y con ella la trama que se oculta detrás, no debemos dejarla clara hasta que deseemos que así sea, pero nos veremos obligados a dar pistas para que al final, cuando desvelemos el secreto, el lector pueda decir: ¡Ha estado ante mis ojos todo este tiempo, pista tras pista!

No hacerlo es de "tramposos" y aburrido para el lector. 01. Dark Room | Dark Room is a full screen, distraction free, writing environment. Unlike standard word processors that focus on features, Dark Room is just about you and your text. Basically, Dark Room is a clone of the original WriteRoom that is an OS X (tiger) exclusive application. It is a child of necessity, as there were no viable alternatives in Windows to produce the same behavior. Sure, you can kind of emulate the behavior by jumping through a bunch of hoops in Word/Writer, but it isn’t the same.

The goal of the project is to capture the essence of WriteRoom, while keeping it simple and just as free. Windows XP / 2000 / 2003 .NET Framework 2.0 File Menu Clear Document: Ctrl+N Open Document: Ctrl+O Save Document: Ctrl+S Quit: Ctrl+Q Edit Menu Undo: Ctrl+Z Redo: Ctrl+Y Cut: Ctrl+X Copy: Ctrl+C Paste: Ctrl+V Select All: Ctrl+A Find: Ctrl+F Find Next: F3 Preferences: Ctrl+, View Menu Statistics: Ctrl+/ Toggle Fullscreen: F11 or Esc Dark Room RSS Feed 0.8b ( report bugs ) ADDED: Neutral highlighting 0.7.6b. WriteRoom — Distraction free writing software for Mac & iPhone.

"But if, when it comes right down to it, full screen is your holy grail, and the ultimate antidote to the bric-a-brac of Word, then you must enter the WriteRoom, the ultimate spartan writing utopia. "— Virginia Heffernan, New York Times "Unlike practically everything else in our digital lives, WriteRoom's minimalist interface implies a truly flattering proposition: It's you, not the software, that matters. "— Jeffrey MacIntyre, Slate "Green text on a blank, black screen, with a square, blinking cursor. This was how most of us wrote on a computer in the early 1980s, and it's resurfacing a quarter of a century later "WriteRoom’s minimalist interface also frees you from the nagging urge to fiddle with margins, fonts, and other settings, leaving you with nothing to do but write "It’s a primitive application, to be sure — I suspect completely by design — but it may be just what the doctor ordered if you need to get your head out of your butt and put some words on the page.

Dark Room | Dark Room is a full screen, distraction free, writing environment. Unlike standard word processors that focus on features, Dark Room is just about you and your text. Basically, Dark Room is a clone of the original WriteRoom that is an OS X (tiger) exclusive application. It is a child of necessity, as there were no viable alternatives in Windows to produce the same behavior. Sure, you can kind of emulate the behavior by jumping through a bunch of hoops in Word/Writer, but it isn’t the same. The goal of the project is to capture the essence of WriteRoom, while keeping it simple and just as free. Windows XP / 2000 / 2003 .NET Framework 2.0 File Menu Clear Document: Ctrl+N Open Document: Ctrl+O Save Document: Ctrl+S Quit: Ctrl+Q Edit Menu Undo: Ctrl+Z Redo: Ctrl+Y Cut: Ctrl+X Copy: Ctrl+C Paste: Ctrl+V Select All: Ctrl+A Find: Ctrl+F Find Next: F3 Preferences: Ctrl+, View Menu Statistics: Ctrl+/ Toggle Fullscreen: F11 or Esc Dark Room RSS Feed 0.8b ( report bugs ) ADDED: Neutral highlighting 0.7.6b.

Writer: the internet typewriter.