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Jennifer Rubell Makes Art with Food. Fresh Visual Daily Jennifer Rubell Makes Art with Food Wednesday 01.12.2011 , Posted by Paul Caridad Share: Tweet6 Share19 Share0 Share12 Stumble0 Jennifer Rubell creates large art events made of food that are by their nature self-catered. Source:,,, Written by Paul Caridad Bicycled the perimeter of USA, hitch hiked across the States dressed as monk. Follow on Facebook Follow on LinkedIn Go to 's Website Category : Art, Artist Spotlight Tags : artist, cooking, cotton candy, donuts, food Promoted Content by Taboolaby Taboola Sponsored ContentSponsored Content Promoted ContentPromoted Content WE RECOMMENDFrom The Web Trackbacks Tweets that mention Jennifer Rubell Makes Art with Food -- says: January 13, 2011 at 11:18 pm [...]

Speak Your Mind Follow VN...Delivered to you Daily. Food as Art: Beautiful Compositions by Charlotte Omnes and Beth Galton Living Works of Art: Bring the Most Hypnotic Pet To Your Office or Home Friends Column Five Send. Food in Visual Art « My Morning Chocolate. August 27, 2009 by Jennifer Walker A fruit skin in Zoe Leonard's "Untitled" piece at the Baltimore Museum of Art When Kenny and I go to museums and galleries, I get excited if artists use food as one or more of their materials (Kenny is an artist too; visit his website to view his beautiful work).

I love the idea of using food in visual art. Kenny often pours coffee over new canvases because he says he can’t start painting if the background is white, and I know someone who painted a large canvas using only food products (I can only remember one food used: egg shells). So when I visited the Baltimore Museum of Art a couple of weeks ago, I was drawn to Zoe Leonard’s Untitled piece in the Contemporary Art section: several fruit skins – three bananas, three oranges, and one grapefruit – sitting on a shelf, sewn together with thread like the pattern on a baseball.

These banana and orange skins will decay over time. This got me wondering: how long does it take for fruit skins to decay? Like this: BEYOND THE AESTHETIC GAZE. "Beyond the Aesthetic Gaze" is a project dedicated to exploring the role of the proximity senses - smell, taste and touch - in Western and non-Western art and aesthetics. The project is based in the Departments of Sociology and Anthropology and Art History at Concordia University, Montreal and is funded by a grant from the Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l'Aide à la Recherche of Quebec. The researchers include Anthony Synnott, David Howes, Janice Helland, Brian Foss, Joan Acland, Constance Classen, Jennifer Fisher, Jim Drobnick, and Carole Scheffer, among others. Collectively, the researchers are known as the Concordia Sensoria Research Team or CONSERT. Brief Summary of the Project Due to the visual emphasis in Western art history, the proximity senses have long been marginalized from aesthetic discourse.

Background to the Project In recent years there has been a growing interest in the social construction of the senses in different periods and cultures. Members of CONSERT FOSS. Artist Peter De Cupere. Watercolor Stencil Portrait + TUTORIAL - MORE ART, LESS CRAFT. Okay kids, for leaving me all those wonderful and inspiring comments, I give you: Watercolor Stencil Portraiting - The Tutorial! Bear with me, it's almost midnight and I am exhausted, and I leave for vacation tomorrow. And I've never done a tutorial before. Hahaha. Okay. So. Here we go. 1. 2. 2a. You should end up with something like this; 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I didn't do a very good job. 9. 10. 11. 12. Alright, I hope that was helpful to everyone! Also, IF YOU USE THIS TUTE, POST WHAT YOU MAKE! Altered Book Jewelry : Green Chair Press Blog.