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ParkMeadows Dental is specialize in family dentistry, general dentistry, restorative and cosmetic services. Our team has the skill and education to provide you with quality dental care.To know more visit us here!

Oral Cancer Screening By Your Dentist Explained. Did you know that your dentist examines your mouth to check for signs of oral cancer at every check-up?

Oral Cancer Screening By Your Dentist Explained

Like other cancer screening practices, an oral exam can help prevent and detect the first signs of oral cancer. Your dentist will look for certain signs in your mouth that could indicate potential cancer. Our goal as dentists in Medicine Hat is to offer you the best most comprehensive treatment possible when it comes to oral cancer screening. What are some potential signs of oral cancer? Sores in your mouth or on your lips that do not seem to be healing over time Swollen or puffy cheeks Discomfort and/or pain when chewing food Lumps on your neck, in your mouth, on your tongue or in another facial area Our dentists at Park Meadows Dental know what to keep an eye out for when performing an exam in your oral cavity for signs of cancer.

What does the oral cancer screening process look like? It is always best practice to start screening for oral cancer as young as 18 years old. General and Preventive Dental Care. General dentistry includes cleanings, exams, fillings, crowns and bridges.

General and Preventive Dental Care

When it comes to taking care of your oral health, prevention is key to strong teeth and gums. With our preventative care services, we can help you keep your gums and teeth in good shape. One of the best things you can do to prevent problems from occurring in your oral cavity is to schedule a regular dentist appointment a couple of times per year. Your dentist is the one who will identify issues that may be brewing amongst your teeth. Park Meadows Dental can accommodate your entire family so why not book your appointments today? Maybe all you need is a bi-annual check-up to make sure you are on track. Walk-ins for Dental Emergency. Untitled — 4 oral health concerns that call for you to seek... Dental Clinic for Restorative Care. Crowns and Bridges are prosthetic devices that can replace damaged and missing teeth.

Dental Clinic for Restorative Care

When your tooth is no longer strong enough to sustain a filling, your dentist may suggest getting a crown. Crowns and bridges are made of dental porcelain and can last many years as they are durable and function like a natural tooth. If you are missing a few teeth in a row, a bridge may be a good option to fill in the empty space. Bridges are used when you have lost a series of teeth and are anchored to either the remaining teeth or dental implants. Both these dental devices will give you back the form and function of your natural teeth.

Walk-ins for Dental Emergency. 5 IMPORTANT THINGS YOUR DENTIST WANTS TO TELL YOU. There are probably a lot of things we have in mind, that we are dying to ask our dentist either to gather information or to get an explanation.


But on the other side of the table, have you also wondered how many questions and/or comments your dentist has for you? Here are five (5) important things dentists want to say to us, patients, as they are working on our mouths: Here are four (4) surprising benefits you get from brushing your teeth: You probably aren’t brushing enough – Most people brush for less than one minute – leaving more than half of the plaque from the night before still on their teeth. Brushing for the full two minutes ensures that all plaque is reached by the toothbrush.You can’t be healthy without a healthy mouth – Many assume that your mouth is an entirely separate thing when it comes to health, but, in reality, it is indicative of the health of the rest of your body.

Dentists are not the most likeable people in the world where dental anxiety reigns. General and Preventive Dental Care. CHILDREN & DENTISTRY. Taking children to the dentist at a young age helps set them up for lifelong healthy habits.


Establishing a ‘dental home’ early also helps reduce the amount of anxiety that children can feel going to see a dentist. Often we see kids in an emergency for the first visit and it can be unnerving for a child. When the first visit is a positive one, focusing on education and maintenance, it helps to reduce dental anxiety. The best practice is to bring a child to the dental office when they turn 1 or when the first tooth comes out (usually a lower front tooth). At the first visit the dentist examines your child’s teeth or “counts them” and also helps teach best practices for brushing. A lot of parents often ask if baby teeth are important. It’s also interesting that children with cavities or poor oral hygiene have been linked to poor school performance. At age 2 or as soon as a child is able to spit, they can start to use very minimal amount of toothpaste.

Untitled — Our dentists and hygienists offer dental services... Walk-ins for Dental Emergency.