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Introducing... Alexandros Vasmoulakis and his pop-culture newspaper collage. Introducing: The Studio of Alexandros Vasmoulakis About a week ago Alexandros Vasmoulakis (or Vasmou as he likes to be known) sent us these incredible collaged portraits created entirely from scraps of newspaper.

Introducing... Alexandros Vasmoulakis and his pop-culture newspaper collage

The torn abstract shapes are carefully composited to make wonderfully striking images that suggest the visual style of regency portraiture but with pop culture and historical subjects (Cameron Diaz and Abe Lincoln anyone?). We were immediately enthralled and went straight to his website to find out more where we discovered an enormous amount of work from a man equally capable of covering a 100ft wall with paint and tiles, erecting witty 3D tableaus from household objects and composing beautifully considered works on paper. So impressed were we by the work on display that we had to interview Alex and find out more about his work, his studio and his feline obsession… Alexandros Vasmoulakis: Work 08.

Cover art

Album art. Gokhan Eryaman on the Behance Network. Installation. Infographics. Typography. Character Design. Silk Screen Poster. Illustration. Graphic Design. Redesign. Art Direction. Generative. Fashion related. Geometry. Set Design. Branding. Reference. Sketchbook.