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Digital Literacy Dover: A Framework for Transformational Technology - SAMMS. By all means consume, but the exciting stuff happens when creating‚ of course you can't have one without the other, you can't connect the dots, unless you have dots to connect... But if you work in any of these domains and also exploit as many of the aspects of ICT that are unique as you can, you create transformative experiences—the more you of these you exploit, the more transformational it becomes. And when you start merging these elements it gets really exciting, eg situated use, means you can access multimodal content anywhere, sharing with others, collaborate, and even revise your content as you go, on your own or with others.

Take the domain of text, most likely this means word processing, (although many typographers and graphic designers might argue with you about that one) but what does working with text look like when it is... Situated Text Accessible Text MultiModal Text Mutable Text Social Text Triggers + Domains = Transformation 5 Tech Triggers + 5 Tech Domains = Transformed edTech. Keyboard Climber Games. Presentation av Block 3. What are badges? This is re-posted from Iridescent’s blog and was written by Kevin Miklasz, Director of Digital Curriculum at Iridescent. This is the first in a series of posts we’ll share here on the topic of digital badges in education. Badges are soon to be, if not already, a hot topic in education. Yet unlike many other hot topics, it’s a little unclear what badges are and why they might be useful.

Badges have baggage, meaning badges are entering education with a complex history of varied uses in non-educational settings. Before we can effectively implement educational badges, we have to unpack and understand the baggage. Let’s start with a little bit of history. Given this history, it should be clear that badges mean different things to different people. Skill badges- These are the Boy Scout merit badges and what the game industry calls “achievements.” These categories are not mutually exclusive. Unlocking Structures: Take it to the Next Level. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Learning through ICT Resources. Thematic Units, Lesson Plans, Rich Topics, Educational Links and Favourites (Favorites-Bookmarks). One to One laptops. ICT badges for learning. A badges system to scaffold ICT skills and integrate with learning. RubiStar Home. 2,122 free teacher resources at

Wordaizer - word cloud with a twist. Pimp & measure your code! Talks. Logga in. Home - GameSalad. Fronter Assignment. Helsingborgs Dagblad - Startsidan - Tidningen Kulturen - nyhetstidning med kulturell prägel - Vygotskijs teorier i praktiken? Leken var en ny metod i utvecklingszonerna som Vygotskij såg och tog fasta på1. Vygotskij´s teori 1.1 Bakgrund Detta korta paper tar upp frågorna hur vi kan och i så fall om vi idag kan omsätta Vygotskijs teorier i praktiken. Dagens svenska läroplaner uppmanar oss att praktisera en pedagogik som bygger på Vygotskijs ideér (SOU 1992:94 ”Skola för bildning). Det innebär att vår grundsyn skall vara att betrakta lärande som en sociokulturell historisk process. Lev Vygotskij (1896-1954) forskade om barns utveckling och lärande. Hans böcker och skrifter förbjöds av Stalin och tilläts inte i Sovjetunionen förrän Stalin dog på 1950-talet.

Inre processer det som finns i våra huvuden har föregåtts av yttre aktivitet tillsammans med andra, med stöd av hjälpmedel, i specifika kulturella miljöer. ”Vad är då barndomen? Slutsatsen är att det i skolorna behövs ett samspel både emellan barn/elever och mellan lärare och barn/elever. 1.2 Lärande som en sociokulturell process 2. Sociogenes. 3. 4. 5. Categories. Beautiful web-based timeline software. Word Mosaic.

Home | Quandary. Game Design Engine, Make Games for iPhone & Android - GameSalad. Text 2 Mind Map - Simple mind mapping online. | brainstorm and mind map online. Prezi - Presentation Software. Audiotool - Home.


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