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Startup Weekend à Paris

Startup Weekend Paris - 2ème édition, Paris Tech. Startup Weekend Community. G9 village. Ouaouuuu, c’est hyperspeed au seednetworking des Mines et HEC. La Cantine. Lacantine. Archives des vidéos streamées - La Cantine. OpenCoffee Club Paris. Occparis. Marc Nager: Money isn’t the problem! How to start a “Startup Eco. All too often I hear people mutter, “It’s just so tough to get funding here,” or “Our startup is doing well, but people just don’t ‘get it’ here,” or “We’re going to have to move to Silicon Valley if we want to ever make it.” Most of the time, they’re wrong. Here is my un-scholarly perspective from my experience after seeing over 400 new startup ventures launched in over 40 cities. Problem = in-action & complaining Solution = action Remember in grade school when someone said, “It’s freezing in here.” Confirmation and complaints spread faster than the yawns in history class.

Whether you are in Grand Rapids, Michigan or you are in Santa Monica, California, you can find every single ingredient required. Building a “startup ecosystem” isn’t rocket science All too often I see what seems to be a broken, over engineered system for delivering money to individuals and teams that are willing to kill themselves to reach unrealistic goals. Main ingredients: 1. So, what about the money? Top ten geek business myths. Since I've started my new career as a venture capitalist I have become keenly aware of some of the classic mistakes that geeks make when trying to raise money for a new business. Instead of writing the same comments over and over again I thought I'd try to summarize some of the mistakes that people -- especially smart people -- make when they decide to try to turn their bright ideas into money.

Here then is my top-ten list of geek business myths: Myth #1: A brilliant idea will make you rich. Reality: A brilliant idea is neither necessary nor sufficient for a successful business, although all else being equal it can't hurt. Microsoft is probably the canonical example of a successful business, and it has never had a single brilliant idea in its entire history. (To the contrary, Microsoft has achieved success largely by seeking out and destroying other people's brilliant ideas.) Myth #2: If you build it they will come.

There is a grain of truth to this myth. Myth #4: What you think matters. Prix de l'Entrepreneuse.