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Eclipse and node.js

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Using NodeJS with VJET JS IDE - eBay Open Source. Restcommander Fast Parallel Async HTTP client as a Service to monitor and manage 10,000 web servers.

Using NodeJS with VJET JS IDE - eBay Open Source

(Java+Akka) Updated bayesian-belief-networks. VJET JavaScript IDE - eBay Open Source. Restcommander Fast Parallel Async HTTP client as a Service to monitor and manage 10,000 web servers.

VJET JavaScript IDE - eBay Open Source

(Java+Akka) Updated bayesian-belief-networks Pythonic Bayesian Belief Network Package, supporting creation of and exact inference on Bayesian Belief Networks specified as pure python functions. Using Eclipse as Node Applications Debugger - GitHub. First, there is new Nodeclipse project, that lets to create, edit and debug Node.js application in fully integrated way.

Using Eclipse as Node Applications Debugger - GitHub

It uses modified Eclipse debugger plugin for V8 (with some bugs below fixed). The usage is much simplified (right-click .js file Debug As→ Node Application). Old information below is left for referenced as node is the same. Eclipse debugger plugin for V8 can be easily used to debug node scripts.