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Libsigc++ -- The Typesafe Callback Framework for C++ Scott Meyers, Andrei Alexandrescu and Herb Sutter: C++ and Beyond. I was able to attend C++ and Beyond 2011 and it was a tremendous experience. The technical depth and C++ goodness was profound and lasted for 3 whole days (and two evenings). Thanks Andrei Alexandrescu, Scott Meyers and Herb Sutter for allowing me to crash your affair with my camera - which was perhaps too big and too advanced for the likes of me - still, I was abe to capture some great content, the first of which is this one: a C9 conversation with Scott, Andrei and Herb about C++ and beyond...

Andrei Alexandrescu is the co-designer of the D programming language, technical author and research scientist at Facebook. He is also one of the world's C++ (and D...) template masters. Scott Meyers is one of the most respected C++ practioners in the industry. Herb Sutter runs the C++11 ISO committee and is one of the world's leading C++ authorities. Much thanks to Scott, Andrei and Herb for allowing me to randomize them right after the event ended to film this conversation. Highlights: Tune in. The most useful GCC options and extensions — AntoArts. This post contains information about some of the most useful GCC options. It is meant for people new to GCC, but you should already know how to compile, link and the other basic things using GCC; this is no introduction.

If you want an introductory tutorial to GCC, just google for that . The things this article attempts to cover include (as well as a few other things): Optimization Compiler warning options GCC-specific extensions to C Standards compliance Options for debugging Runtime checks (e.g. stack overflow protection) For more information on GCC, the freely available An Introduction to GCC book is pretty good. Basic compiler warning and error options An option many programmers use while compiling C programs is the -Wall option. To treat compiler warnings as errors, use the -Werror option. By default, GCC may compile C code that is necessary standards-compliant, or it might not even compile code that to the C standard (“the C standard” here means either C89 or C99).

Pre-processing. STL. Historia[edytuj | edytuj kod] Osobą w dużej mierze odpowiedzialną za architekturę tej biblioteki jest Alexander Stepanov. STL początkowo powstawała jako niezależna biblioteka rozwijana przez firmę Hewlett Packard, później większość przyjętych tam rozwiązań przeszła do biblioteki standardowej C++. Opis[edytuj | edytuj kod] STL jest to tzw. biblioteka generyczna, co oznacza, że jej składniki współpracują równie dobrze z typami wbudowanymi w język, z typami wbudowanymi w bibliotekę, co z typami zdefiniowanymi przez użytkownika, pod warunkiem, że spełniają pewne określone warunki. Koncept określa podstawowe warunki, jakie powinien spełniać typ, aby móc być zaliczonym do odpowiedniej kategorii i tym samym obsługiwanym przez odpowiednie elementy biblioteki.

Określa też możliwości, jakie udostępnia dany typ. Iteratory[edytuj | edytuj kod] Po zbiornikach można się poruszać za pomocą iteratorów. Algorytmy[edytuj | edytuj kod] Zobacz też[edytuj | edytuj kod] Active Template Library. A modest STL tutorial. I am using a software tool called hyperlatex to create this document. The tutorial is also available in gzip-compressed postscript form or zip-compressed postscript form. For those wanting to install a copy of these pages on their system, they may be freely copied providing they are not modified in any significant way (other than, say, locale changes).

The file tut.tar.Z contains a tarred distribution of the pages. Please note that I will be making modifications to this document in the coming months, so you may want to occasionally check for changes. I will start putting in version numbers, and if I can manage to, changebars. Disclaimer I started looking at STL in 1995; for a long time I could compile only minimal subsets of the HP version of the library. I have been using C++ since 1988, and teaching C++ and object-oriented design courses in industry since 1990. I would greatly appreciate comments or suggestions from anyone. Outline A first example Version 1: Standard C++ Discussion Vectors.

Table of Contents: the Standard Template Library. Programming Tutorials: C++ Made Easy and C Made Easy. Welcome! If you're new to C++, I recommend you purchase my ebook, Jumping into C++, a complete step-by-step guide for beginners. If you're looking for free tutorials, learn C++ with our C++ tutorial, starting at C++ Made Easy, Lesson 1 (all lessons) If you want to learn C instead, check out our C tutorial C Made Easy, Lesson 1 (all lessons) Want more advanced material on C, C++ graphics, game programming or algorithms?

C++ Tutorial, C++ Made Easy: Learning to Program in C++ Learn C++ with this tutorial, designed for beginners and containing lots of examples, tips and simple explanations. C Tutorial - C Made Easy This tutorial is based on the above tutorial, but uses only standard C language features. More Advanced C and C++ Language Feature Tutorials [Top] C++11 - the new C++ standard C++11 is the new C++ standard, and it's chock full of goodness for C++ programmers, old and new. C++ Standard Template Library (STL) tutorials Understanding Floating Point Numbers by Jeff Bezanson By Ben Marchant. Thinking in C++ 2nd edition Volume 2. Le lundi 2 février 2009 Tu bloques sur un exercice de MATHS, PHYSIQUE ET CHIMIE, et tu souhaites obtenir sa correction effectuée par un professeur qualifié, dans les plus brefs délais.

Télécharge un énoncé tiré d’une interro « type ». Fais le contrôle chez toi et renvoie le après l’avoir scanné. Un professeur qualifié le corrigera et le notera avec ses appréciations. Tu recevras le corrigé attendu, par email, en moins de 48 heures. Mondial Maths » Le dimanche 11 janvier 2009 Un certain nombre de mes réalisations et projets ont été mis à disposition. Réalisations » Le samedi 27 décembre 2008 Rapport de stage de fin d'étude d'IUT informatique d'Aix-en-Provence. Rapport » Le samedi 27 décembre 2008 Rapport de projet de 3ème année d'école d'ingénieur ESSI. Rapport » Le samedi 27 décembre 2008 Rapport de stage de fin d'étude d'école d'ingénieur ESSI: Laboratoire Virtuel de Systèmes Energétiques Solaires - Développement d'un outil de simulation thermique. Rapport » ToutVendre.Fr » Digital Mars C, C++ and D Compilers.


C++ 11 Concurrency Tutorial - Part One. C++ 11 Concurrency Tutorial Part 2.