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Corporate Blogging. Herramientas TIC XXII. Inspiration web design. Hazel. Intermission. WedPics - The #1 Photo & Video Sharing Wedding App. MoviePanda - Watch movies online instantly.


.torrent -> streamable video. An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments. Video review and approval for Vimeo, WeTransfer and many more.

Achvr. 3D Realms Anthology - 3D Realms - Reality is our game. About 3D Realms Anthology The 3D Realms Anthology is a download-only 32-game collection - that’s the entire 3D Realms library (excluding Max Payne and Prey) brought together by a brand-new, custom-made Anthology launcher built to run on Windows.

3D Realms Anthology - 3D Realms - Reality is our game

Anthology also includes a completely original re-rockestarted soundtrack, with 9 remade tracks from a range of classic 3D Realms titles such as Duke Nukem II, Wacky Wheels, Bio Menace, Major Stryker and Shadow Warrior. Every game in the collection is DRM-free and has partial controller support. This product is only available via download. Encrypted Pastes. Muzli Creative Search. Gaze. PressRush: Unlock your press outreach ninja superpowers! Tutorial - The super fast color palettes generator!


Become a better freelancer. Web. Sheetsee.js. » ¿Te atreves a cumplir estos 30 retos, durante 30 días? Mañana será primer día de mes.

» ¿Te atreves a cumplir estos 30 retos, durante 30 días?

Septiembre y toda su fiebre patriótica han llegado de nuevo, dejándonos la obviedad de que 8 meses del 2014 ya se han quedado atrás; comienza la última recta del año y en te queremos invitar a que elijas empezar con el pie derecho y realizando cualquiera de estas acciones que darán un giro positivo a tu vida. La organización fin fines de lucro, TED, cuyas letras son las siglas de Technology, Entertainment y Design y que desde 1984 es famosa por dar conferencias sobre esos tópicos y muchos otros más en las reconocidas TED Talks; ha lanzado un llamado a toda la gente que quiera hacerlo, a ponerse a pensar en “¿Quién quiero ser en 5 años?” Y realizar en tu vida las adaptaciones necesarias para lograrlo. Quizás esto es algo muy trillado pero TED le da ese toque que le han dado a sus conferencias y proyectos, han dado consejos para lograrlo y en este caso se resumen todos en un punto: Crear buenos hábitos puede mejorar tu vida. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - Get What You're Worth. Continuity Keypad. Pfeiffer Bentply Platforms. Men's Fashion, Products, Culture & Style Blog. 「 死生有命 」 How To Actually Sit Down And Write - Chillin' with villains. Your Big Pitch - Give your business idea a better chance of success. Preview 1800+ Free iOS 7 Icons. App: search 5300+ icons and import to Photoshop or Xcode. GDS design principles. Freelance Graphic Designer. If you are looking for a professional logo designer, click here to get a quote today!

Freelance Graphic Designer

The first step involved in any logo design process is to work out a brief based on questions I would ask you if we were to have a face-to-face interview. Basics, like “What do you do?” For example. I will direct you to my quote request form if you have not submitted one already, which outlines all the questions and breaks the project down into manageable sections. Some answers require a little depth to convey the message, “How would you describe your services and/or products?” Job Title: It’s Complicated.

I’ve been talking to an increasing number of people who struggle to answer the question “So what do you do?”

Job Title: It’s Complicated

These are UX designers who end up tackling a large part of development, developers who find themselves running strategic efforts at their job, and other jack-of-all-trades people who run the gamut of job responsibilities. These people are often uncomfortable admitting they don’t know exactly where they fit in within their organization. I’m here to tell you that’s ok. Top 10 Alcohol & Beer Logos. The alcohol industry may not in every instance be the most ethically correct, often criticised of downplaying the negative aspects of the products it sells.

Top 10 Alcohol & Beer Logos

But looking past the morals of advertising and mass-producing something that can do you harm, it’s marketing campaigns and branded packaging are some of the best examples out there of successful strategies. How many of you have chosen a new beer based on the packaging alone? Most people are not wine experts and often judge the bottle solely by what it says on the label. Csstyle Clean, Simple Styling for the Web. En vivo: YouTube. FormGIFted: Improve Your Form & Diversity Your Workouts. From thoughtbot. 23 cosas que solo podrán entender las personas a quienes les encanta pasar tiempo solos. 1.

23 cosas que solo podrán entender las personas a quienes les encanta pasar tiempo solos

Un fin de semana en el que no tienes planes, no tienes responsabilidades, y ningún lugar para ir, clasifica como uno de los mejores fines de semana que puedes tener. 2. 09-29-14.gif (1080×1218) Smashing Bundle! Usability and UX for Web Design. Usability and User Experience are two things you may not normally think about when building a website.

Smashing Bundle! Usability and UX for Web Design

But you should. Learning the patterns and techniques that appeal to users and enhance their experience can make a huge difference in the success of your site. With this Usability and UX for Web Design bundle of eBooks from Smashing Magazine, you'll be fully armed to best tailor your website for users.

Checar despues pero no prometen nada T_T

Animation news + art : Character Design For Animation - Nate Wragg. 10 Things Before You Start A Comic Or Graphic Novel! Do you have a long form project in mind?

10 Things Before You Start A Comic Or Graphic Novel!

Are you ready to pull the trigger and start the journey? Well, believe it or not, there are some really important things to know and do before you start. But don’t just take my word for it either, sometimes you need to work for 20 years in an uphill battle before you can get something important through your thick skull. I know, because that is how it was for me. So, here is my simple list of things to consider before starting your comic project. 1) Read books on the subject. 2) Make a Model Sheet or Turnaround or even sculpt your characters in 3D or clay. 3) Start with an idea that you really believe in and want to share with others.

The Known World of Visual Storytelling - Mr Jake Parker. The landscape of visual storytelling has always been a vast and evolving frontier.

The Known World of Visual Storytelling - Mr Jake Parker

History tells us how stories were told visually through cave paintings, then carvings, followed by etchings on primitive tablets, and eventually masterpieces painted on canvas. Great strides were made with the advent of print technology and it opened the door to the mass consumption of stories being told through pictures. From print it evolved to moving pictures, then television, and now video games. (I know video games are just structured play time, but most tell stories and as such are an outlet for the visual storyteller.) The visual storyteller: part artist, part writer. However, while the opportunities have been numerous, they are not without their exclusivity. These three travelers are bright young storytellers who carry with them imaginative tales of wisdom, beauty, and truth. Traveler One: After days of traveling she arrives to the PRINT NATION.

Then one day she meets an agent. Creativity - Mr Jake Parker. A few years ago I had the opportunity to speak to 300+ freshmen at BYU.

Creativity - Mr Jake Parker

The topic they gave me was "Creativity. " Specifically, how I maintain my creativity. I appreciated this assignment because it made me solidify my thoughts on something I put a lot of effort into and spend a lot of time on, though I've never sat down and spelled out what it is I do to stay creative. As I was preparing for this two principles kept coming up over and over, be it in my own thoughts or in conversations with others, about the subject of creativity.

Advice on Getting into Animation. I had some trouble with my webmail account and lost a recent message from someone who emailed me asking for advice on working in the animation industry. Whoever it was, I'm sorry I didn't reply, I try to always reply to people who email me to try to repay some of the help and kindness I got when I was starting out.

As I get that question a lot, for that person, and anyone else who has the same question, I thought I'd type up the same answer I always give. Advice on getting into the Animation Industry: When I was young and starting out someone once told me, "You're not going to believe me, it sounds too easy to be true, but I swear to God this will work. Do good work and be nice to people. I didn't believe them, I still remember the constant feeling of frustration and hopelessness as I couch surfed and worked minimum wage jobs and stayed up all night every night drawing trying to make a portfolio that would get me a job. Why Your Concept Art Portfolio Is Being Ignored (Part 3) Email My friend Matt Kohr is a professional concept artist and the creator of the best digital painting tutorial site on the Internet.

So it’s safe to say that he appreciates digital tools and flashy Photoshop tricks as much as anyone. But in the following interview, you’ll hear him say this: “I get a lot of e-mails from beginners asking, “What Photoshop technique do I start with?” And I say: “Get a sketchbook and a pencil.” I’ve never met a successful concept artist who feels like she has outgrown the basic fundamentals of anatomy, perspective, composition and color theory.

…but most aspiring concept artists get so focused on tech and techniques that they forget the fundamentals. Insights for Your Domain. Var t; //mondrian. // Piet Mondrian "Art is not made for anybody and is, at the same time, for everybody. " - Piet Mondrian. Tell the turtle. GlyphSearch: Search for icons from Font Awesome, Glyphicons, IcoMoon, Ionicons, Octicons and Foundation. The Best Domain Name Generator Ever: Impossibility! - Create and play text adventure games. Crew - Private Group Storytelling. Instinct - Learn Guitar, Love Guitar. IntelliButler. Award-winning iPhone/iPad app for offline reading. Dynamic Yield: Conversion Optimization & Personalization. Hacking. How to Hide Files in JPEG Pictures.

If you’re looking to hide files on your PC hard drive, you may have read about ways to encrypt folders or change the attributes on a file so that they cannot be accessed by prying eyes. However, a lot of times hiding files or folders in that way requires that you install some sort of software on your computer, which could then be spotted by someone else. Ethical Hacking. Taylor Swift: Haunted sounds like Coldplay: The Scientist.

Cronnection - a global collaborative consumption marketplace. Living with Spoilers. Bounce – A fun and easy way to share ideas on a webpage. Pttrns - Mobile User Interface Patterns. The Boring Designer. Whenever I’m looking at a product designer’s work, I find myself continuously asking the same question: which solution is the boring one? Maybe it’s born out of seeing apps choose flash over function, or trying to understand just one too many indecipherable icons-as-buttons. Whatever the case, here’s an ode to the boring designers among us. The designers who… Choose obvious over clever every time. If you haven’t read Randy Hunt’s book on Product Design, you haven’t lived. Rarely stand their ground. The boring designer chases the right idea over their idea every time.

Are Practical. With infinite time and resources we could do anything, but the boring designer knows we have neither of those things. Value Laziness. The boring designer realizes that the glory isn’t in putting their personal stamp on everything they touch. Lead the team. You’d think with all those traits, the boring designer would get run over or ignored most of the time by their teammates and fellow designers. So be great.


DesignLeaks. Learn. Around the interwebs. Web libraries. Usefull. Creepy and weird collections. Web tuts. Photo.