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Redes Sociales. 122redes sociales[1] Redes sociales y pensamiento grupal[1] Por qué Facebook es un coñazo. La salida a bolsa de Facebook, explicada para todos los públicos. El pasado viernes saltó la noticia de la inminente salida a bolsa de Facebook.

La salida a bolsa de Facebook, explicada para todos los públicos

Los lectores de Genbeta son los mejores en tecnología y como buenos tecnólogos, estos aspectos económicos se quedan un poco aparcados. Por este motivo, el equipo de Genbeta me ha invitado para que os explique la salida a bolsa de Facebook para todos los públicos, dado que los primeros rumores sitúan el valor de Facebook entre 75.000 y 100.000 millones de dólares y será la operación bursátil del año, sin duda alguna. Durante los años 90, las salidas a bolsa de empresas tecnológicas o puntocom sucedían casi a diario.

Después del año 2000 y el crash posterior, estas salidas se han segmentado y espaciado mucho más y pocas son las empresas que cuentan con valoraciones muy superiores a los 50.000 millones de dólares que no cotizan aún en un mercado bursátil. La OPV, esas siglas maravillosas en la salida a bolsa Una OPV es una oferta pública de venta de acciones. 14 gigantes de internet, incluyendo a Google, Facebook, Amazon y Yahoo!, unen fuerzas en un lobby digital para EEUU. Facebook Unfriending Has Real-Life Consequences. You may want to think twice before unfriending someone on Facebook.

Facebook Unfriending Has Real-Life Consequences

That’s because new research has found that serious real-world consequences come from unfriending someone on social media. In particular, researchers found that 40 percent of people say they would avoid someone who unfriended them on Facebook, while 50 percent say they would not avoid a person who unfriended them. Women were more likely than men to avoid someone who unfriended them, the researchers found. "People think social networks are just for fun," said study author Christopher Sibona, a doctoral student at the University of Colorado Denver Business School. "But in fact what you do on those sites can have real-world consequences. " Some of those consequences highlight the way social media relationships affect people in the real world. "The cost of maintaining online relationships is really low, and in the real world, the costs are higher," Sibona said.

TwitTools. Demo by Ian. We all lead busy lives and managing your social media channels is a good way to use up what little time we have. Demo by Ian

There is no doubt that one of the most powerful social networks at the moment is Twitter. At the time of writing there are over 500 million users and more and more businesses and brands are joining every hour of every day. That’s a lot of users! Customer Relationships With so many users and so much noise, how do you make sense of it all? Social networks are hugely powerful, but by themselves they are a very blunt tool. Wouldn’t it be great if… You could monitor what people are saying about your business or brand? If you think you would find any of the above useful (and you should!) Introducing If you’ve spent any time on Twitter, you will be aware of several Twitter tools.

Twitter for Teachers » Connections Article. Technology is increasingly pervasive in the classroom and in the lives of educators as a whole.

Twitter for Teachers » Connections Article

There are myriad tools designed specifically for teachers, to help you reach students, monitor results and tailor lesson plans. But what about popular social networks like Twitter? As an educator, is it worth the time to integrate Twitter into your already packed schedule? We asked a few of our more active “twitterati” Milken Educators for their thoughts, then added a handy resource guide to get you on your way. Twitter = PD + PLN + Platform The long and short of it is that if you're interested in professional development, growing your professional learning network, promoting your message, getting support for your cause, improving student experience and performance, or collaborating with other educators and classrooms around the world, Twitter might just be the tool you're looking for, and it's entirely free.

The seven Milken Educators we interviewed have successfully used Twitter to: Redes Sociales. Neourociencia&Neouroplasticidad. Computer Science.