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Images as Writing Prompts. Kids' Movies. English. Quad Blogging Reflection  Back in January, I made a commitment to: walk the path of Action Research…. to find out if blogging:teachers, who are “actively” learning about and participating in the blogging process (beyond attending a workshop or reading “about” blogging), are setting the stage and building a solid platform for their own ongoing professional development and life long learning? Educators, who are blogging with their students, can (are) learn(ing) to teach through a 21st century lens (skills & literacies)? Improves students’ writing skills? Motivates and engages students? Touches on multiple 21st century skills and literacies, as well as contribute and support learning fluency.amplifies curriculum content, objectives and skills? You can read my train of thought in the following posts: My reflection is structured on three levels: Student levelClassroom teacher levelCoach or (Tech) Coordinator level (support for classroom teachers) A comment left during the first week of the Quad Blogging month: Writing skills:

The Literacy Shed - The Literacy Shed Home. The Literacy Shed - The Literacy Shed Home.

Picture Books

3-D Animated Animals Help Kindergartners Read. A new reading curriculum based on augmented reality technology grabs student attention and shows them difficult concepts in a visual form. "Letters alive" uses 26 animals to help pre-kindergartners and kindergartners learn to read. And according to research by its creator, Logical Choice Technologies, it's the first augmented reality reading curriculum. Each of the animals appears on a card representing a letter of the alphabet. And when a teacher or student places one of the cards under a document camera, the animal comes to life. Designed to work with a document camera, interactive whiteboard and laptop, the animal cards pop up 3-D animated images.

For example, the demonstrator in this video uses the sentence, "The shark is red. " By pressing different squares on the bottom of the giraffe card, students learn about the letter and the animal. They also learn the name of the animal and what sounds the giraffe makes. The Florida beta test.

Literature circles