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Como Fazer Scrapbook. O Scrapbooking é uma técnica de decoração de álbuns de fotografia e onde mais se tem adeptos desse tipo de artesanato é nos Estados Unidos.

Como Fazer Scrapbook

No Brasil, essa arte vem ganhando destaque e espaço e já é possível encontrar não só os materiais necessários, mas também scrapbooks prontos em diversas casas de artesanato. Você pode fazer um para o seu bebê, um scrapbook para onamorado ou para o álbum da família. É comum que se faça também scrapbooks de viagens. O gostoso de se fazer um scrapbook é que ele demanda diferentes técnicas de artesanato: decoupage, pintura, caligrafia, texturização… enfim: é um compilado de artesanato.

Se você quer aprender um pouco mais dessa arte, o Comofas te ensina como fazer um scrapbook passo a passo! 1) Tenha em mãos inúmeros materiais: tecidos, tesouras, carimbos, EVA, carolinas, papéis-cartão, adesivos, tinta, cola, feltro, estilete, imagens recortadas… 2) Pense em algo para combinar com as fotos daquela página do seu álbum. Scrapbook Journaling. As scrapbooking has become more and more popular, so to has the concept of scrapbook journaling.

Scrapbook Journaling

Journaling tells the story you would tell...we'll help you tell it well. When you sit down with your pictures and show them to friends and family, often you find yourself telling a certain story or reliving a certain detail associated with that memory. Now, imagine that generations from now, someone (perhaps a descendant of yours) finds your scrapbook. What stories would you tell them if you were sitting there looking through the album? What moments would you relive? Journaling Basics. Making a Scrapbook. A photo album just shows you the photos but a scrapbook tells the story.

Making a Scrapbook

A scrapbook can contain photos, mementos, notes about the event and by the page's look and feel, it can depict a 'mood'. Making a scrapbook of each theme is a good idea because you can put them together fairly rapidly--each page doesn't need to be totally unique, in fact you want continuity. It will save you time and money using the same colors of background paper, for instance, and maybe for Christmas alternate red and green backgrounds to depict changing years. Do a 'cover page' for each year or event and keep it simple and bold--maybe one photo and the date and location. If all your 'cover pages' are similarly styled, there will be a nice continuity throughout. Do you have a new baby, child or business you'd like to start a scrapbook for? It is fun to look back and see how a business or hobby grows over the years.

The 8 x 11 inch format works best for me because: What is all the ACID FREE, ARCHIVAL buzz about? How to Start a Scrapbook: 5 steps (with pictures) How To Make A Scrapbook. How to Make a Scrapbook: 10 Easy StepsOrganize your pictures.Brainstorm layout ideas & journaling.

How To Make A Scrapbook

Find your album & paper.Find your finishing touches.Organize your space.Create your background and/or borders.Crop and mat your pictures.Start sticking.Journal, Journal, Journal.Add the finishing touches. NOTE: Take a minute to notice that you don't start creating anything until Step 6! I know you're anxious to get started and get gluing, but trust me when I tell you that spending quality time in preparation will help you save money, and get it done faster. Now, let's go through each of these steps and explain them a little more. Follow the links provided for even more helpful ideas and tips on how to make a scrapbook.