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Pamela Dirnberger

I'm a pleasingly weird blend of cooky, sadistic, cynical, loving, kind-hearted, fun-loving person.


Nom Nom Nom

Handlin my biness. Shows & Movies. HAHA HA. Want. View Later. Brainy Sludge. Mike. Tickles my creative. Panda. Pet Stuff. Fun - Virtual. Wallpapers. Pamela Essie's Blog. It looks like the Sci-Fi novel is going to take quite a bit of brainstorming before I even really start the first chapter but the storm is full of inspiration and keeps branching out further and further and further. This is becoming my baby. It seems to be becoming the society, govt, and economic system I've been imagining since I was a little kid. This can have two effects, it can either scare me so much that I overwork its dough until it becomes this hard brick of a former cake or it can allow me to really flourish with some extra additives. Like adding whip cream and nutmeg to the batter.

My Vain

Help. Pearltrees videos.