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Logiciels de l'Etat : erreurs systèmes en série. Logiciels de l'Etat : erreurs systèmes en série l y ls rrrs rpts, dps 2011, d Lvs, l lgcl d clcl d l sld ds mltrs, q p trp ps ssz. Ls rts d Cssp, l systèm d trtmnt ds dssrs d l jstc pnl, gnrls n 2009, t vc cmm n blt pr ls trbnx. Ls pnns d l Pltfrm ntnl ds ntrcptns jdcrs (Pnj), gr pr Thls, dvn blgtr pr ts ls srvcs nqêtrs dps l 12 sptmbr. L plmq tr d l pltfrm dmssn pst-bc, PB, q l mnstèr d l’nsgnmnt sprr nnnc, fn ût, vlr rmttr plt. ncr l prjt d Systèm d’nfrmtn t d gstn ds rssrcs hmns d mnstèr d l’dctn ntnl, Srhn, lnc l y nf ns t ln d’êtr chv, lrs q sn bdgt t mltpl pr cnq - d 60 323 mllns d’rs -, sln l Cr ds cmpts. n 2014, l’prtr ntnl d p (NP), cns grr, trm, l slr d 2,5 mllns d fnctnnrs, mêm crrmnt t ntrr près vr cût, tjrs sln l Cr ds cmpts, 346 mllns d’rs n spt ns. Juillet 2015. 1. Introduction J’ai fait du Lean Startup un guide méthodologique de ma pratique de l’innovation numérique, chez Bouygues Telecom il y a quelques années et chez AXA aujourd’hui.

Le livre d’Eric Ries est ma référence, mais de nombreux nouveaux livres sont parus depuis sur l’application pratique de la méthode et sur l’utilisation en entreprise. J’ai déjà mentionné le livre de Trevor Owens et Obie Fernandez, « The Lean Entreprise », aujourd’hui je vais consacrer ce billet à deux livres que j’ai lus récemment, « The Innovator’s method – Bringing the Lean Startup into your organization » et « Running Lean – Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works ». Lors d’un précédent billet sur l’entreprise 3.0, j’avais noté que les idées fondamentales de « l’entreprise libérée » se retrouvaient « partout », c’est-à-dire dans un très grand nombre de livres différents, mais parus récemment. 2. 3.

“Running Lean” de Ash Maurya est disponible depuis 2012 (2010 pour la première éditition en e-Book). 4. How To Say “This Is Crap” In Different Cultures. I had been holed up for six hours in a dark conference room with 12 managers. It was a group-coaching day and each executive had 30 minutes to describe in detail a cross-cultural challenge she was experiencing at work and to get feedback and suggestions from the others at the table. It was Willem’s turn, one of the Dutch participants, who recounted an uncomfortable snafu when working with Asian clients. “How can I fix this relationship?” Willem asked his group of international peers. Maarten, the other Dutch participant who knew Willem well, jumped in with his perspective.

That evening, we had a group dinner at a cozy restaurant. Willem, with a look of surprise, reflected, “Of course, I didn’t enjoy hearing those things about myself. I thought to myself, “This Dutch culture is . . . well . . . different from my own.” Managers in different parts of the world are conditioned to give feedback in drastically different ways. What about you? So, You Think Your Customers Understand Percentages? Most consumers incorrectly believe that a 50 percent cost discount is worth the same as a 50 percent benefit bonus, or that a 30 percent cost increase is as bad as a 30 percent benefit decrease. They’re better off choosing the percentage cost change and we should help them. Most people, even highly educated ones, are bad at percentages. Offer your average shopper a choice between 50 percent more product per dollar and a 35 percent price reduction, and almost everyone will pick 50 percent more volume, thinking that it’s a better deal.

It’s not. The 35 percent cost reduction leads to a 54 percent [.35/(1-.35)=.54] improvement in price per unit of volume whereas the 50 percent benefit increases only leads to a 50 percent improvement in unit price. Faced with a choice between two marketing offers with percentages, we almost always opt for the largest percentage without calculating its impact in terms of cost/benefit (or benefit/cost) rate. So how should we frame offers to consumers? Lean Startup: It Rocks Far More than Agile « The Hacker Chick Blog. Joshua Kerievsky posted this most excellent table illustrating some of the differences between Agile and Lean Startup. I think this is so awesome because it shows how much more real everything is in Lean Startup. Take Velocity vs. AARRR (AARRR are Dave McClure’s startup metrics that measure things like how many people are visiting your site, buying your product, etc.).

In Agile, we measure progress with Velocity, we say “how much software did we develop this week?” Lean Startup says “Who the hell cares how much software we developed this week – how many people bought our product or used our software” – you know, the things we actually care about. Source: Industrial Logic’s BLogic. Kanban is the New Scrum « The Hacker Chick Blog. Maybe it’s all the time I spend with startups, but while I strongly value Scrum’s ideas behind self-organizing teams & continual feedback – I can’t help but feel Kanban represents the next level of agility, giving us more flexibility and capitalizing on the lessons we’ve learned from Lean. A lot of people tend to think Agile means Scrum – you know how it goes: And I think there’s a lot of goodness in Scrum. It provides clear structure for what the team needs to do (the Sprint Backlog), gives them focus for getting it done (backlogs are fixed for the duration of the sprint), and then enables the team to determine the best methods for getting that work done.

It even provides them a coach (ScrumMaster) who’s job it is to make sure they have what they need and to get impediments out of their way. I love it’s feedback loops for constantly checking in, making sure we’re on track and – when we find we’re not – adapting as needed: Daily quick (15 minutes max!) Agile Vs. Lean: Yeah Yeah, What’s the Difference? « The Hacker Chick Blog. Is Agile the same as Lean? When people say “agile” do they really mean Scrum?

Or do people still use different types of agile – and if so, why? Been getting a lot of questions lately, so thought I’d take a stab at this… Lean comes from Lean Manufacturing and is a set of principles for achieving quality, speed & customer alignment (same as what we’re trying to do with agile development, right?). Mary & Tom Poppendieck adapted the principles from Lean Manufacturing to fit software development and I believe these ideas actually provide the premises behind why agile works: In a nutshell, Lean says to relentlessly eliminate anything that isn’t adding value and only work on what we absolutely need to be doing at this moment in time. Lean also puts a very strong emphasis on what it calls “the system” – that is, the way that the team operates as a whole. Along those lines, Lean says to respect that the people doing the work are the ones that best know how to do it.

And it’s principles are: The Carrying-Cost of Code: Taking Lean Seriously. I've spent the past 8 years or so looking at ugly code. This isn't uncommon in software development but in my case, I've been looking at different ugly code developed by different teams every couple of weeks. One question that people often have is whether to refactor or rewrite. It's never a simple call. Usually, this is because the reason that people want to rewrite code is because they don't understand it. Yet, rewriting code often requires us to understand it well enough to proceed with the rewrite, especially if there are existing customers who depend on all of the nuances of behavior that the system has consistently exhibited. When you see enough of this, it's easy to take a bleak view. A few years ago, I was telling some friends about an experiment I would love to run. Recently, there's been a strong move toward Lean in the industry.

Let's go back to manufacturing. It's a nice view of the world, but it is a bit of a lie. No, to me, code is inventory. Lean Software Development. Lean IT, Devops and Cloud Programming. I have become more and more interested with lean IT over the years. It started with the book "The Art of Lean Software Development" by Curt Hibbs. I enjoyed this book because its introduction of lean is 100% compatible of what I learned from Jeffrey Liker and other great authors about TPS. This simple book helped me draw the lines between good software development methods such as extreme programming or agile programming, and lean management. For those of you who are not familiar with lean or extreme programming, here is a very crude summary of some of the most salient points of lean software development : No delays: avoid as much as possible work that is sitting between two steps of the development process (what is called WIP – work in process – in the lean jargon).

There are also books which are not about software development per se but very closely related. Thanks to Guillaume Fortaine, I have come to learn about Devops. Lean Software Factory. This post is a follow-up to an invited talk that I delivered at CESAMES. That presentation, which is available on the widget on the left, talked about complexity, architecture and lean software development. It started from the question – its title – “How to design information systems?” And ended with an introduction to lean software development. Today I’ll go further and explore the relationship between the (software) product and the (software) factory. 1.

There are many expected qualities and assessing a piece of software is a multi-dimensional tasks. Modularity – “the degree to which a system’s components may be separated and recombined” (Wikipedia) … or the capacity of the architecture to maximize in its decomposition the independence of subcomponents. These three qualities form a deeply interrelated network (each influences the other).

Software architecture, that is, design properties which explain how the software product is organized. I am certainly not one of them J. 2.