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SharePoint 2010 Themes. As you all know SharePoint has a new theme engine for 2010. You can do cool things such as create a theme in PowerPoint, export it and then import it into SharePoint 2010, click apply and you got a custom theme. One aspect that I could not find documented is the definition of when you choose a color for a particular element what is it really changing? If you modify the theme for a site you can use the picker to choose a OOTB or custom theme.

Or you have the ability to choose your own color scheme via the following elements. My approach: Make each element white to start with and then one by one add color and document the results. Here are the details for each one of the elements above: Text/Background- Dark 1 (41 Classes) Page Title Hyperlink Text Hover Text VB Body Text Site Action Menu Text Left Navigation Links Text Site Setting Page Text Headers Text/Background - Light 1 (37 Classes) Text/Background - Dark 2 (43 Classes) Text/Background - Light 2 (19 Classes) Accent 1 (10 Classes) Creating a SharePoint Theme using a PowerPoint Template. Changing the site theme is one of the simplest possible ways of branding your SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint Online site. Regardless of whether you simply don’t like the default theme that comes when provisioning a new site or whether you want your SharePoint sites to use your corporate colors, creating and using a custom theme is a handy feature since you don’t need any tech skills and it can be done quite fast, once you know how.

Another great reason why one might resort to creating a custom theme is that it can all be done using your browser and a Microsoft Office application of your choice. This blog post will get you up to speed on how to create a custom theme using Microsoft PowerPoint. How to: create and apply a custom theme An interesting thing about the SharePoint 2010 theme engine is that it actually uses Microsoft Office Theme (.thmx) files. Creating the custom theme in PowerPoint Alright, let’s start from the beginning. Let’s get the easy stuff out of the way first. Tendance – Free SharePoint 2010 Theme. We’re always excited when we release a new free SharePoint theme for you guys, so here it is: Tendance!

The theme features a modern, simple and light design. We like to keep it simple and elegant. This work is licensed Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. You may modify the theme as you wish at your own risk. However, it is forbidden to sell or redistribute the theme without permission. Please link to this article if you would like to spread the word. Features: – Two-columns – Fixed-width – CSS based – One master page and two page layouts provided – Slider powered by hSlides on the homepage – Top and left dynamic navigation – Ideal for 1024×768 screen resolution – Suitable for small SharePoint 2010 Publishing Sites Instructions To enable Tendance theme for SharePoint 2010 Publishing Site follow these simple steps.

Download the file and extract the files. MasterPages folder contains two masterpages. Now, we need to take care of the homepage.