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Effective Blog Writing

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5 Headline Templates That Grab Readers. Your readers decide whether your blog post is worth their time within a few seconds.

5 Headline Templates That Grab Readers

Most of that decision is based on the post title (or “headline”). Some of the highest paying work in the copywriting business is creating headlines for magazine covers and tabloids. Think about it. Aren’t you sometimes at least tempted to pick up those magazines in the grocery store line? That’s the power of a great headline at work. The “How-To” Headline.The key to making this particular headline work is that you need to tie it to a benefit your reader cares about (related to your content, of course).

One final piece of advice. Using these five headline templates, you should have more people reading your posts and commenting on your blog. The Foolproof Formula for Writing a Solid Blog Post [Template] You know blogging is critical, paramount, indispensable to the success of your marketing.

The Foolproof Formula for Writing a Solid Blog Post [Template]

Without it, Google will stop crawling your site; your SEO will tank; your social media accounts will run dry; you'll have no clout with your leads and customers; and you'll have fewer pages on which to place calls-to-action and collect new and reconverted leads. This all sounds like a marketing disaster .

So why, oh why, does almost every marketer I talk to have a laundry list of excuses for why they can't consistently blog? Maybe because, unless you're one of the few people who actually like writing, business blogging kind of sucks. You have to find words, and string them together into sentences, and ughhh where do you even start? The time for excuses is over. The Blogging Formula A comprehensive, high-quality blog post doesn't have to be long. Introduction The introduction sets the stage for the problem you're about to solve.

Have you ever tried to ___________? Body Conclusion Yep, that's it! The Anatomy of a Good Blog Post. One of the most difficult things about blogging is writing good content.

The Anatomy of a Good Blog Post

Not only do you have to come up with ideas, but you also need to write in such a way that readers connect to your content. I often struggle with writing good content. That is why I have developed a basic framework for how I write blog posts I have found that when I follow this template, the results usually turn out to be pretty good.

Michael Hyatt also uses a blog post template, which he says helps him write faster. The Formula for a Good Blog Post There is not just one good way to write a good blog post. 1. This is one of the first things that readers will see on your page. 2. Nearly all of the blog posts that I write have an image at the very top. For example, I’m choosing the image of a man with a magnifying lens for this blog post because it illustrates looking at something in detail. 3. This paragraph is likely the most important of the blog post. Six Blog Post Templates That Highly Effective Bloggers Use. I follow several blogs quite closely. I call them my “linchpin bloggers,” as they provide me valuable content on a consistent basis.

It is my quest to become one of these linchpin bloggers. And so naturally I have been studying their blogs. Particularly, I have studied the anatomy of their blog posts and have observed a basic structure emerge. Besides Michael Hyatt and Chris Brogan, who actually share their blog post templates, I have constructed what I believe to be the general framework for their posts. Please don’t assume this is an exhaustive outline these bloggers always use. Having said that, using these templates can not only increase productivity and make you write faster and more effective (something I’m always trying to do), but they can help you maintain consistency too. So without further ado, I give you six blog post templates that highly effective bloggers use: Content_Rules_Blog_Post_Template. Foolproof-Formula-for-Writing-a-Solid-Blog-Post. A Simple Plan for Writing a Powerful Blog Post in Less Than 2 Hours.

A Simple Plan for Writing One Powerful Piece of Online Content per Week.