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DIY Bike Rollers. It is my personal belief that many people own bicycles, and that many of those people aren't interested in riding for pleasure / exercise when it is raining, snowing, dark, etc. outside, and that many of those people would ride their bicycle indoors if they had a fun and challenging device that allowed them to do so, and that many of those people would build such a device themselves if given the encouragement and advice to do so.

DIY Bike Rollers DIY Naturally Scented All-Purpose Citrus Vinegar Cleaners. I've been on a quest to rid our home of toxic chemicals for both health and environmental reasons.

DIY Naturally Scented All-Purpose Citrus Vinegar Cleaners

Did you know? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air can be 10 times to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air. Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): Bug Killer You Can Eat! Want To Make A Giant Telescope Mirror? Here's How. Hide captionTemperatures inside this giant oven will reach 2,100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Want To Make A Giant Telescope Mirror? Here's How

Large blocks of glass inside the oven will melt as the whole oven spins around at a rate of five times per second, creating a curved and smooth telescope mirror. Ray Bertram/Steward Observatory Temperatures inside this giant oven will reach 2,100 degrees Fahrenheit. Large blocks of glass inside the oven will melt as the whole oven spins around at a rate of five times per second, creating a curved and smooth telescope mirror. Connecting Batteries in Series or Parallel. We frequently get asked the question, "How am I supposed to connect my battery if I want to double the capacity but not the voltage?

Connecting Batteries in Series or Parallel

", or similar questions. Transistors made from cotton yarn, t-shirt computers incoming. Altering the very fabric of technophilic society, a multinational team of material scientists have created electric circuits and transistors out of cotton fibers. Soon you'll 'evolve' yourself new furniture using 3D printing. Most of the time, when you buy something, you end up getting someone else's idea of what you really want.

Soon you'll 'evolve' yourself new furniture using 3D printing

With custom 3D printing becoming cheaper and more available, the options for customization are endless, and a new service could allow the "evolution" of new products that are perfect for you. Evolution, at its most basic, is the idea that good and useful things will tend to be favored in designs over things that are not quite so good and useful. Smelting iron ore in a microwave. As part of his attempt at manufacturing a toaster from scratch(!)

Smelting iron ore in a microwave

, Thomas Thwaites had to figure a way to smelt his own iron (for the grill piece) - Finding ways to process the raw materials on a domestic scale is also an issue. iModela, Roland's $1000 hobbyist CNC milling machine. We've covered the iModela, Roland's $1000 hobbyist CNC milling machine over at MAKE, but here's a new photo showing some of the things you can make with it.

iModela, Roland's $1000 hobbyist CNC milling machine

A milling machine is sort of the opposite of a 3D printer, because it carves away material from a piece of stock, while a 3D printer adds material. I think home-based 3D printing is not yet ready for prime time, because the spatial resolution of the things you can make with 3D printers is not that great. Diagramly - Draw Diagrams Online. Andrew S. Harmon. Repurposed Etched Glass Spice Jars... As an avid recycler, I often find myself admiring the numerous boxes of glass bottles in our garage, awaiting their fate.

Repurposed Etched Glass Spice Jars...

When I noticed more than a dozen empty bottles from one particular product, I knew I had a problem there must be something else I could do other than toss them into a recycling bin once a week. In order to justify my purchase of a caffeine-laden treat, I decided to repurpose and upcycle the glass containers from my favorite splurge. How to Make Toy Air Ships, Ray Guns and Much More from Old Tin Cans. Photos Courtesy of Tinplate Girl.

How to Make Toy Air Ships, Ray Guns and Much More from Old Tin Cans

Build a $360 synthetic aperture radar with MIT’s OpenCourseware. 3V to 24V Variable Power Supply. This 3V to 24 volt variable-regulated power supply can be adjusted from 3 to 25 volts and is current limited to 2 amps as shown, but may be increased to 3 amps or more by selecting a smaller current sense resistor (0.3 ohm).

3V to 24V Variable Power Supply

The 2N3055 and 2N3053 transistors should be mounted on suitable heat sinks and the current sense resistor should be rated at 3 watts or more. Voltage regulation is controlled by 1/2 of a 1558 or 1458 op-amp. The 1458 may be substituted in the circuit below, but it is recommended the supply voltage to pin 8 be limited to 30 VDC, which can be accomplished by adding a 6.2 volt zener or 5.1 K resistor in series with pin 8. The maximum DC supply voltage for the 1458 and 1558 is 36 and 44 respectively. The power transformer should be capable of the desired current while maintaining an input voltage at least 4 volts higher than the desired output, but not exceeding the maximum supply voltage of the op-amp under minimal load conditions.

Design Folder: Your Online Design and Decorating Resource. The Kinkajou Bottle Cutter. Recycle, reuse – thats the motto we have all been trying to live by ever since this “global warming” issue came into effect but now it just got a bit easier. Introducing the Kinkajou Bottle Cutter (yes the name explains itself). Read more after the jump! You can now make use of your used beer bottles by simply using this tool. The Kinkajou bottle cutter scores the glass allowing you to simply place the bottle under hot water (or alternating hot and cold depending on the bottle) until the top smoothly breaks off. Sandpaper is included to smooth the edges and voila! Related. 35 Reasons You Should Never Be Without Vinegar. Whether you are storing up supplies for hard times or just want to save a little grocery money on cleaning supplies, one thing you should never be without is vinegar. People have been using it for ages – and not just for cooking or preserving foods.

Vinegar’s versatility is virtually unmatched when it comes to having multiple uses. Battery from Pennies. Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): Bug Killer You Can Eat! Ordnance Survey Blog » Dry stone walling for dummies. Today we have a guest blog from Chris James of Fix the Fells / Nurture Lakeland. Chris decided to lend a hand to the dry stone walling teamIt was my first attempt at the black art of dry stone walling.