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Organizers | Startup Weekend Brussels. Leo Exter Leo is the founder of westartup, a social network for entrepreneurs, co-founders, mentors and investors. He’s also one of the organizers of Bizcamp Belgium and serves as Board Member of the Vlerick MBA Alumni section. In his past life he worked as a marketer in FMCG (The Coca-Cola Company), dot-coms (Info2clear), consumer tech (Mio Technology) and in a PR agency (Grayling). Ramon Suarez Ramón was introduced to the Belgian Internet startup network by the BetaGroup, where he fell under the spell of the thriving community of developers, marketeers, entrepreneurs and other breeds of the World Wide Web. Since then he has been an active promoter of the Webmission and he has become a BetaGroup adviser. He is a founding partner of the BetaGroup Coworking space in Brussels.

Gilbert West Gilbert started his professional life as a conference organiser but always had a strong leaning towards tech. The Founder Institute: Helping Founders to Build Great Companies. Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Start Your Business. Bruxelles Pionnières - Offre d’accompagnement.

Bruxelles Pionnières En image Entreprendre au féminin - 22 et 23 mars 2012 [ Voir toutes les vidéos ] Bruxelles Pionnières est membre de Fédération Pionnières Pages d'erreur 404 La page demandée n’existe pas sur notre site Il est possible que cette page n’existe plus, ou qu’une erreur se soit glissée sur le site. Cliquez sur le lien ( pour vous redirigé vers l’accueil. | Mentions légales|Crédits|Accessibilité | ICAB - How to apply. Business Center Brussel - Home.