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Note Taking

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The effective FORTH innovation method. How to Take Notes like Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison and His Papers. The extensive collection of papers preserved in the archives of the Thomas Edison National Historical Park (ENHP) —approximately 5 million pages in all—is the product of Thomas Alva Edison's sixty-year career as inventor, manufacturer, and businessman. Until recently, the sheer size and organizational complexity of the archive have deterred researchers from delving extensively into its wealth of documentary resources. With the publication of the microfilm, book, and digital editions, these historically significant papers are now readily available to scholars and other researchers. Because the arrangement of the documents in the microfilm and digital editions parallels the organizational structure of the archives, it is helpful to understand how the records of Edison's laboratories and companies were generated during his own lifetime and how the archivists entrusted with their guardianship have subsequently treated them.

Not all of Edison's notebooks are experimental in nature. Cracking the Einstein Code: Relativity and the Birth of Black Hole Physics by Fulvio Melia, an excerpt. An excerpt from Relativity and the Birth of Black Hole Physics Chapter 1 EINSTEIN’S CODE The scene could have been straight out of Universal Studios, Hollywood. Two men are breathing rhythmically in a smoke-filled modest little room facing south toward the capital of Texas. They sit quietly no more than an arm’s length apart, lost in thought. At stake in this drama is the breakthrough solution to Einstein’s equations of general relativity that have defied the greatest scientific minds of the twentieth century.

Much has been written about Albert Einstein (1879–1955) and his profound influence on our view of the universe, but very little is known about the golden age of relativity, spanning the period 1960–75 following his death. It is not always possible to discern the reasons why a scientific investigation meanders raggedly or slowly toward its ultimate goal, but in the development of relativity, the complexity of its mathematical formalism is certainly one of them. How Einstein Got So Smart – 10 Learning Hacks.

How would you feel if many people thought you were the smartest person in history? How might your life be different if you actually were that intelligent? Although we often think of Albert Einstein as one of the smartest people ever, we don’t investigate what it was that made him so. People who speak highly of him often attribute his genius to some mysterious gift. They don’t believe his smarts came from a certain attitude about learning. I believe you can recreate some of his habits to get smarter and find more rewarding work. Einstein…the Failure? Before you get the list of Einstein’s learning habits, consider some interesting facts about his early life.

These things represent just a taste of the irony about his early life. 10 Things Einstein Did to Get So Smart From what I can find, no one has compiled details about how Einstein actually studied. 1- He daydreamed and contemplatedWho has the right to say what is absentmindedness and what is pure genius? Evaluation Toolkit. What is the purpose of this site? This toolkit has been developed in order to give you guidance and advice throughout the evaluation process.

Whether you are looking to build in evaluation from the beginning of your project or are just looking for a quick survey to gather student feedback, you should find some information and tools to help you. The resources here have all been designed to be used as 'stand alone' or used to complement each other in the evaluation process. Where should I start? If you want to build in evaluation from the start of your project take a look at the Evaluation Framework If you are looking for some examples of methods to collect your evaluation take a look at the Collection Methods If you are looking for a tool to help plan or write up your evaluation take a look at the Evaluation Tools How can I contribute or comment on the toolkit? If you have some examples of evaluation which you feel other people would find useful please complete the contribution form. Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.