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Producer Consumers - Food Chain - Kid's Corner. Parts of the Food Chain (Producers/Consumers...)

Producer Consumers - Food Chain - Kid's Corner

Producers Plants are called producers. This is because they produce their own food! They do this by using light energy from the Sun, carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil to produce food - in the form of glucouse/sugar. The process is called photosynthesis. Consumers. What Do Lions Eat? Posted In: Mammals.

What Do Lions Eat?

Lions are king of the jungle for more than one reason. Their varied diet is one of the best in the big cat kingdom, because with their hunting range, they enjoy a wide variety of animals to prey upon, from small to large. They are not built for a long chase, so they have to catch their prey in a small area. Lions are team hunters for food and sometimes can bring down prey the size of a hippopotamus. What's Eating My Plants. When something is munching your plants, it can be tricky to find out who's the culprit.

What's Eating My Plants

And determining the culprit is the first step in remedying the problem. Below are some common Iowa leaf noshers with key elements that will help you identify them. Slugs • Slug damage is extremely common in shady, moist places, especially during cool wet weather like this spring. Hostas are a notorious favorite. • Often, at night with a flashlight or in the early morning hours, you can check under the leaves and see the slugs. Rabbits. POLAR BEARS - Diet & Eating Habits.

Food Preferences & Resources Polar bears feed mainly on ringed and bearded seals.

POLAR BEARS - Diet & Eating Habits

Bigger Food Chains - Kid's Corner. Bigger Food Chains Here's another food chain, with a few more animals.

Bigger Food Chains - Kid's Corner

It starts with acorns, which are eaten by mice. The mice are eaten by snakes, and then finally the snakes are eaten by hawks. At each link in the chain, energy is being transferred from one animal to another. Gould League - Foodwebs. Rodents That Eat Acorns. Each rodent possesses an amazingly efficient set of self-sharpening teeth.

Rodents That Eat Acorns

With more than 2,000 existing rodent species, untold numbers of rodents voraciously gnaw their food with razor-sharp teeth similar to finely honed knives. When the rodent dines on acorns and other hard-surface foods, the animal's incisors grind together, effectively maintaining a sharp enameled edge ideal for the next round of gnawing. The eastern chipmunk's movable feasts frequently include acorns, although these small rodents also consume seeds, berries, corn and fruits.

If the chipmunk finds a bird egg, snail or young mouse, he eats those as well. Eastern chipmunks spend most of their time gathering and hoarding food for the winter. Author. POLAR BEARS - Diet & Eating Habits. What's a plant? Plants are essential for any ecosystem.

What's a plant?

They provide all the energy for the ecosystem, because they can get energy directly from sunlight. They use a process called photosynthesis to use energy from the sun to grow and reproduce. They also must get nutrients from the soil. Those nutrients get into the soil when decomposers break down waste and dead materials. Plants require space to grow and reproduce. SHARK DIETS. Sharks vary greatly in their diets, but they are all carnivores (meat-eaters).


The method of obtaining the prey and the prey itself differ greatly among the different types of sharks. Fast-moving hunters Many sharks (like the great white, blue shark, mako, tiger shark, and hammerhead) are swift, sleek predators that eat fish, squid, other sharks, and marine mammals (like sea lions, seals, and smaller whales). Slow-moving hunters Some bottom-dwelling (benthic) sharks (like the zebra horn shark, angel shark, and wobbegong) are slow-swimming predators that crush and eat shellfish (crabs and clams) from the ocean floor. Filter Feeders Some large sharks (like the whale shark, the basking shark and the megamouth shark) are filter feeders that sieve tiny bits of plankton and small animals from the water through their gills as they swim with wide-open mouths.

Sharks absorb (pure) water from the sea by osmosis. This system makes most sharks unable to live in fresh water. Search: deer. ‎ What Eats Grass? What Eats Grass?

What Eats Grass?

Many Creatures Do. Photo:John Sullivan What eats grass? Thousands of different animals from tiny insects to huge elephants eat grass. Grasses are one of the most important sources of nourishment for animals all over the the planet. Almost all hoofed animals are “grazers”—a word that comes from the word “grass” and which means “grass eaters.” Birds That Eat Fruit - Fruit for Birds. Fruit is a preferred food for many different birds, and as an excellent source of sugar, it is an essential energy source during summer, fall and winter, key seasons for breeding, migration and maintaining body heat in chilly temperatures.

Birds That Eat Fruit - Fruit for Birds

But which birds can you expect to visit your feeders if you offer different types of fruit? About Fruit. Do You Wonder: What Do Butterflies Eat? When it comes to butterflies, a lot of people do not know exactly what they eat. Let's explore some of the things that they would eat. First, you have to realize that there are a lot of butterfly food sources; you just have to look for them! We promise that there are many different butterfly food sources all over your backyard; you just need to look for them. For starters, the larvae (caterpillars) of butterflies eat ONLY leaves of plants. Different caterpillars like to eat certain kinds of plants.

Now many people do not know exactly how the butterfly food is consumed. It is pretty obvious that if you happen to find yourself an adult butterfly and are looking for a butterfly food source, you should turn toward the liquids. Bigger Food Chains - Kid's Corner.