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Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More. Tumblr. Why can't I Internet? ArgylePDX. Cecilstongue: argylesockspdx replied to your chat “My brother: So do girls prefer big chests or sculpted tummies? Me:…” Tell him to go for the vee As far as I’m aware, my brother doesn’t even know any vee No… I mean like a swimmer’s v.

Like, when they have muscley stomach/abs. Also, what is he even doing with his life rn. craftastrophies: bluebirdsandink: Was anyone else a little bit disappointed that the kick ass Lady Counsel Member turned out to be Natasha? (via fuckitfireeverything) Fruit on the Bottom, Hope on Top. 8-foot giant squid pillow.You’ll need:2 yards of felt1 yard of patterned fabric (I suggest a polka dot-type pattern so it looks like suction cups)1 medium piece of black felt, 1 medium piece of white felt (for the eyes)white thread, black thread and thread of the same color as the felt you’re usingpinsabout 5 lbs. of stuffinga couple big sheets of paper to draw your patternYou can find many of these things down at the many places on Fabric Row, on 4th Street between Bainbridge and Catherine.

Pearl, at 417 South Street, sometimes has stuffing if you can’t find any.First, you need to draw out your patterns. Here’s a basic template to get you started, although most of the measurements are reasonably fudgeable. If in the likely event you don’t have any four-foot-long pieces of paper lying around, just tape a few pieces together. Once you’ve drawn out your eight patterns, it’s time to cut the fabric. Full Time Internet.

The Midwest: where you can go from 80 degree weather, to 24 straight hours of heavy rain, to snow, all over a single weekend. Cause of death: enemies reprising each others’ songs in musicals TIL that “The Last Supper” was a Passover Seder. silentshivers: literally how does anyone not believe in aliensare u really so anthropocentric that you think there are millions and billions and trillions of light years of the ever expanding universe but we’re the only life to possibly exist smh Note that there’s a difference between “alien life out there somewhere in the mind-bogglingly massive universe” and “alien life visiting us.” The nearest potentially life-supporting planets are really far away, and civilizations are only in the space-travel supporting stage for a very short time.

(via timecourier) people who wear sandals in the shower are weak Anonymous asked: you know that wrestling is fake right lol kill-whitepeople: Because of reasons. Reddit: the front page of the internet. Homestuck. Magic: the Redditing.