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MyKeyFinder: Recupera todos los serials de las apps que tengas instaladas.


Limpia todo el sistema de Windows, aplicaciones basura y archivos temporales con Window Washer. El sistema operativo Windows automáticamente registra todas las acciones que se realizan, dentro de tu computadora. Por lo tanto, siempre es recomendable limpiar los datos basura y los archivos temporales de vez en cuando para ahorrar valioso espacio en el disco. Free Internet Windows Washer es una herramienta de limpieza de basura que puede eliminar los archivos basura y temporales de mas de 100 aplicaciones populares, Ademas, te permite eliminar las carpetas de Temp de Windows, las búsquedas de la consola de arranque, la lista de búsqueda del explorar de Windows, historial de documentos, cache y historial del navegador, contraseñas almacenadas, cookies y URLS.

Al iniciar la aplicación, te pedirá que introduzcas un código. Puedes obtener el código de forma gratuita registrándote, pero incluso si te saltas el proceso de registro puedes seguir usando la aplicación. Para limpiar los datos de tu PC, haz click en Configuración de lavado desde el lado izquierdo. Clipboard history manager - AgataSoft clipboard manager. QuickMove | CodeLine. QuickMove 1.5.5 Maintenance Release Version 1.5.5 is a minor maintenance release to prepare for the new features planned for version 1.6 due later this year.... read more QuickMove 1.5 Released A small feature release following on 1.4 which addresses a request by users for friendlier, more familiar “wildcard” pattern matching over powerful but complex Regular Expressions.

New Video – QuickMove Introduction A short introduction to see how easy it is to teach QuickMove to follow the rules you set up for your files while still remaining flexible when needed to move them to a favourite folder. How Do I Move a TV Series into it’s folder with QuickMove TV series files can be moved using QuickMove’s support for Regular Expressions. QuickMove 1.4 Released QuickMove 1.4 has been released! QuickMove Version 1.4 in Production QuickMove Version 1.4 has started. QuickMove 1.3.9 – Obfuscation Fix QuickMove 1.3 Released QuickMove 1.2 Released QuickMove 1.1 Released. HotKeyMan - Setup system wide hotkeys in Windows. On{X} You like the home screen of Windows Phone 8 and want it on your android device? Now, this is possible. With 61 widgets, the Android Tiles (blue) UCCW skin will give you more than a taste of that UI, but a immersive sensation of another device on your hands. Read all the description to avoid problems. - If anything goes wrong, mail-me and let me try to solve your problem before rate bad the app;- This skin requires Android 2.2+;- To use this skin, you need to have UCCW 2.1.2+ app.

This app contain 61 widgets. Bonus:(red)Android - 1x1 - 1(red)Google Play Music - 1x1 - 1(red)Youtube - 1x1 - 1 Notes:1. How to apply: Windows, windows Phone 8 are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License. keywords:UCCW, skin, tiles, metro, Windows, Windows Phone, Android. WinAero: Winaero - Free small and useful software for Windows. Image Resizer for Windows - Download: Image Resizer 3 Preview 3.


Software features. Project management Contlab's primary target is to enable you to better organize your projects. Accessing the tab of each project you will have the state of progress, the list of customers and users associated, the activities, the financial movements, the invoices and all the rest. Contact management Every contact (customers, suppliers, professionals, ...) is stored with its own card. Agenda Never forget your appointments, save them in ContLab and it will remind them to you with notifications visual and/or acoustic.

Documents, Passwords and Notes Manage and share in an easy and fast way your documents, your passwords and your notes. Invoicing ContLab allows you to associate cash flows to the single project, indicating the nature (ex. deposit, balance, expenditure, ...). Invoices so issued, apart from being saved in the database, can be printed or exported in PDF format. Advanced Search Report Keep an eye on the progress of your businnes in a simple way and withe the aid of customizable graphical.