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C# Code Snippet - Compile C# or VB source code run-time. (C-Sharp) C# code snippet compile C# or VB source code run-time from a text string or external text file and build the executable. Programmatically compile code using C#/VB compiler. This .Net C# code snippet compile C# or VB source code runtime from a text string or external text file and build the executable. To use this function simply provide language (C#/VB) provider, source code in text string or as a file, output executable file name (optional), output assembly name (optional), resource files (optional), reference string to get errors. The .NET Framework exposes classes that allow you to programmatically access the C# and VB language compilers. This might be useful if you want to write your own code-compiling utilities. This code snippet provides sample code that enables you to compile code from a text string or external text file. The code snippet allows you to build the executable.

C# Keywords Used: Code Snippet Information: External Resources: excellent code !!! Thank you. Compile and Run VB.NET Code using the CodeDom. Download source- 39.78 KB Not Another "Script Runner" Article! The major differences between this article and others that I have seen presented here are the target audience and the usage scenario. You will notice in the screen shot displayed above that there is not a function declaration. No namespace. No class, or include statements. The target audience for this technology is a diverse collection of support personnel with a minimal exposure to programming. These are people who would prefer not to write scripts; no matter how easy it was. Introduction This is a small sample demonstration of late compile.

Although the code generation abilities are very interesting and powerful, this article is primarily focused on the ability of the CodeDom assembly to compile dynamic code to an assembly that exists in memory. More than 10 years ago, I wrote a VB6 application that ran VBScript macros. Out With the Old, In With the New... Dim c As VBCodeProvider = New VBCodeProvider The cVBEvalProvider Object. Compiling and Executing Code at Runtime. Download source code - 18.3 Kb Well, this is my first article at The Code Project, so I'll try my best to stay on topic.

I was recently interested in creating a sort of precedence calculator library. I was about 10% underway when I suddenly had a thought. What if instead I could just use C# code, compile and execute it, then get the result of the mathematical equation back. Well, I figured it wouldn't be easy, but there must be a way of making it work. Turns out I was wrong, it was easy.

This is the core of my library. This is the pubic interface to my library. One thing that cannot be done with this library (at the moment at least) is running code that calls for referenced namespaces to external DLLs. That's basically it, that's all the code you need to compile and execute uncompiled code at runtime. The library also includes a template setup for doing mathematical calculations. I also included a small test application with the library. The False states that MyFunction is not static. Executing Dynamic Code in .Net. What is System.Reflection ... - ASP.NET Forum. An Introduction to Reflection in C# Environment: C# Introduction In this article, we will see something about reflection in .NET. First, we will see what the System.Reflection namespace will do for .NET developers. Reflection allows the inspection of metadata in a PE file and late binding (run time) to types and their members. The System.Type class is the main class for reflection.

Late bindings can be achieved by using reflection. Assembly and Metadata An assembly is a logical DLL or EXE, and a manifest is a detailed description (metadata) of an assembly. PE (Portable Executable) = Metadata (bunch definition tables) + IL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) + Some other data which are not relevant to this article. Example: Reflecting Types (Querying Types) The following code shows how to query a type for its attributes using the System.Type class. Example: Parsing Types of an Assembly In the following example, we will see how to parse the types in an assembly. Downloads. Free ebooks: Understanding. NET. A Tutorial and Analysis. 3. The Common Language Runtime. The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the foundation for everything else in the .NET Framework. To understand .NET languages such as C# and Visual Basic.NET, you must understand the CLR. To understand the .NET Framework class library -ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and the rest -you must understand the CLR.

And since the .NET Framework has become Microsoft's default foundation for new software, anybody who plans to work in the Microsoft environment needs to come to grips with the CLR. Software built on the CLR is referred to as managed code, and the CLR provides several things to support creating and running this code. Perhaps the most fundamental is a standard set of types that are used by languages built on the CLR, along with a standard format for metadata, which is information about software built using those types. The CLR also provides technologies for packaging managed code and a runtime environment for executing managed code. 有关System.Reflection.Assembly(反射的应用) CODE-Reflection範例 - 黑暗執行緒. Reflection是在執行期間才解析物件類別資訊的技術,在不少場合,要處理的物件類別在編譯時期是無法預知的,或是希望能保留彈性,以便接受包容各種物件。 當傳進來的物件參數類別是object,卻又想一探它的底細,就是System.Reflection命名空間神奇工具組上場的時候。 印象中Reflection與編譯期確定型別相比,效率頗差,每次要動用時總有些畏首畏尾的。

但我後來發現MS在BCL內,自己倒用Reflection用得很盡興,加上新一代的CPU愈來愈快,效能差異的顯著性正大幅降低。 慢慢地我才開始比較大膽應用它解決問題,執行期才動態識別物件的做法,在某些場合大幅簡化程式的複雜度,有時甚至是形成10行Code對100行Code的差距。 每次要寫Reflection都要重新查文件,索性留文一篇給自己也給大家參考。 以下的例子利用Reflection的技術剖析傳入的未知類別object物件,一一巡弋自訂類別SecrectObject的Field、Property,連宣告private的也不放過,呵呵。 排版顯示純文字複製文字 using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Diagnostics; public class SecretObject public string PublicProperty { get; set; } private string PrivateProperty { get { return "Secrect"; } } public string PublicField = "Public"; private string PrivateField = "Private"; public static string StaticField = "Static"; public void SayHello(string name) Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + name); public class CSharpLab public static void Test() SecretObject so = new SecretObject(); so.PublicProperty = "Open"; Analyze(so); Type t = obj.GetType(); Playing around with System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom.

Introduction There are some very nice areas in the CLR, for example the whole area of reflection. Nowadays, developers use reflection, its functionalities for their projects. But it's nearly impossible to know all about these functions. So I made some test just on the Assembly.LoadFrom and played around with it... Basics Private Sub Test() Dim extAssembly As System.Reflection.Assembly = _ System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("c:\WindowsApplication2.exe") Dim extForm as Form = _ extAssembly.CreateInstance("WindowsApplication2.Form1", True) Me.AddOwnedForm(extForm) extForm.Show() End Sub For those who use system reflection, there is a common piece of code.

Naming of the assemblies Now, if we use references in our projects, we can only reference DLL files. Dim extAssembly As System.Reflection.Assembly = _ System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("c:\x.yz") Use a web reference to the assembly We are able to just use a URL instead of locating the assembly in our own network. Use a webpage.