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Tom's Supermarket Picks: quality oils at good prices. Since launching Truth in Olive Oil, many people have asked me which oil they should buy at their local supermarket, warehouse club or mass merchandiser.

Tom's Supermarket Picks: quality oils at good prices

This is a vital question, and deserves a good answer. One of the critical factors in improving olive oil quality in North America is to raise the bar in supermarkets, where the vast majority of Americans get their oil. As the level of supermarket offerings improves, it will be a rising tide of quality that floats all boats, ensuring a supply of real extra virgins to consumers, acting as “gateway oils” to point people towards premium, “grand cru” oils, and at the same time, selling more good oil that supports honest oil-makers out in the groves. Pepin Debone Chicken Galantine Ballotine. Beer Recipe Cloud by BeerSmith - Homebrew Beer Recipes.


Chemistry of Cast Iron Seasoning: A Science-Based How-To. The post after this one on “black rust” describes why you should heat the pan before applying oil for seasoning.

Chemistry of Cast Iron Seasoning: A Science-Based How-To

This helps the seasoning to adhere and makes the pan pleasantly black. In a previous post, I illustrated how I cleaned and reseasoned an antique cast iron popover pan. This was my first attempt, and my seasoning technique was somewhat haphazard because I couldn’t find consistent, science-based advice. I used a combination of organic avocado oil and strained drippings from organic bacon. This worked pretty well on the popover pan, which doesn’t have a polished surface.

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