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Dan Ariely Videos « Gnod - The Global Network of Discovery. Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names. Arsole Yes, believe it or not, there is actually a molecule called Arsole... and it's a ring!

Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names

It is the arsenic equivalent of pyrrole, and although it is rarely found in its pure form, it is occasionally seen as a sidegroup in the form of organic arsolyls. For more information, see the paper with probably the best title of any scientific paper I've ever come across: "Studies on the Chemistry of the Arsoles", G. Markl and H. Hauptmann, J.

Soundtracks [ music ]

Listes[cinéma] Chroniques [cinéma] Insolites [Divers] Musique : tous nos articles et chroniques. My Modern Metropolis. Cheap Tops For Women, Womens Tops at Cheap Wholesale Prices. The Vampyre Of Time And Memory. 5000 films tombés dans le domaine public à télécharger gratuitement. Dès qu’une œuvre tombe dans le domaine public, elle peut être « uploadée » sur le site La liste ne peut donc que s’agrandir. Pour les cinéphiles, c’est une véritable caverne d’Ali Baba. 50 Examples of Breathtaking Animal Photography Part 3. Enjoy these 50 breathtaking photos that capture different animals in places around the world.

50 Examples of Breathtaking Animal Photography Part 3

We live in a CRAZY place and some of these shots are just mind-blowing. Photo by Philipp Himmelmann Photo by Yao Jianfeng Photo by Cristopher Swann Photo by Mircea Costina. Geek Art – Art, Design & Lightsabers. - Videos from the World's Best Conferences and Events. Canvas Network. Crime Archives. Facts 10 Fascinating Facts You Didn’t Know About Fruits Weird Stuff 10 Industries With Their Own Secret Languages Creepy.

Crime Archives

La Pascualita. Chihuahua, Mexico's La Pasqualita has been giving window shoppers the creeps for decades with her eerily lifelike appearance and possible adventures after dark.

La Pascualita

Dressed in bridal wear and exhibited in an otherwise unremarkable storefront window, La Pascualita is not your average mannequin. Local rumor has it that the clothing dummy is actually the well-preserved corpse of the owner’s daughter, who died from a black widow spider bite just before her own wedding. Amazingly, La Pascualita has ‘lived’ in the La Popular store window for over 80 years. She made her first appearance on the 25th of March 1930, reportedly wearing a gown from the spring/summer collection. A collection of legitimately fascinating information culled from the past, present, and anticipated future. 10 Unexplained Discoveries. Top 10 Shocking Documentaries. Movies and TV As a visual medium, documentaries frequently succeed in portraying the unimaginable far better then any book alone could do.

Top 10 Shocking Documentaries

Beaming everything from the consequences of child abuse to the horrors of nuclear warfare into the homes of millions, the following infamous documentaries shock the viewer and challenge perceptions. 70 outils de veille sur internet (1ère partie) Loïc Haÿ a eu l’excellente initiative de réaliser une présentation sur les outils de veille sur internet : la veille sur internet en 5 étapes clés.

70 outils de veille sur internet (1ère partie)

Un grand merci à lui ! Je me suis appuyé sur son travail que j’ai agrémenté de liens vers les outils et services qu’il a recensés ainsi que quelques outils de ma connaissance pour vous proposer cette liste bien évidemment non exhaustive. Voici donc la première partie de cet article qui en comportera 2. La suite se trouve maintenant dans l »article « 70 outils de veille sur internet (2ème partie)« . Définition du territoire de veille. Hochseilartisten 1946. Überaus erstaunliche Bilder von Hochseilartisten, die im Jahr 1946 vor den zerbombten Trümmern der Stadt Köln ihre Künste vorführen.

Hochseilartisten 1946

Sehen. Plink by DinahMoe. Plink by DinahMoe. Plink by DinahMoe. Plink by DinahMoe. The Useless Web. 25 Mind Blowing Photo Manipulations and Digital Art works by Michael Oswald. Cherries - Still life Painting Tutorial Spawn_Model- Demonstration Metachaos.

25 Mind Blowing Photo Manipulations and Digital Art works by Michael Oswald

25 Mind Blowing Photo Manipulations and Digital Art works by Michael Oswald. The Useless Web. Silk – Interactive Generative Art. Trip Hop / Downbeat Production Music Tracks - Listen & Download from Audio Network. Can You Make It Through This Post Without Having Your Mind Blown? 1. Let's start small: 2. Here's something that you never realized: Printing on the Moon. Société Vendredi 8 février 2013 par Quentin M Comme vous l’expliquait Mathilde Serrell en début de semaine, nous sommes tous en passe de devenir des Makers écolos avec la démocratisation des imprimantes 3D.

Printing on the Moon

Books news: art special. Available September from Rizzoli Rock the Shack: The Architecture of Cabins, Cocoons and Hide-outs Getting away seems to be at the top of many to-do lists, but this 240-pager celebrates our longing for lounging in nature.

Books news: art special

Imprime-moi un organe. Société Mercredi 12 juin 2013 par Sophie Marchand Le principe de l’imprimante 3D est à la base similaire à celui de l’imprimante classique – et c’est en empilant les couches imprimées que se crée le volume, et que le principe d’impression se complexifie. Depuis cette année, l’imprimante 3D est présentée comme un objet révolutionnaire. En mai dernier, une équipe de médecins et de chercheurs avait sauvé la vie d’un nourrisson en fabriquant, grâce à l’imprimante, une attelle trachéale. La prothèse a été acceptée par l’organisme de l’enfant qui a pu respirer à nouveau normalement. Unity 3D – France. Tutos vidéos accessibles à  tous ! Chroniques Improbablologie 2013.

The 23 strangest habits you'll pick up after living in 23 different countries. Portraits génétiques. La photographe québécoise Collette Ulric prends des portraits de gens de la même famille et les assemble par le milieu pour montrer les ressemblances. Plus d’images sur son site. ( Via ) Des portraits d'animaux habillés. I Waste So Much Time - Random. Inspiration. SuperBetter. Tutorial. Les distorsions cognitives. Mighty Optical Illusions. Watch TV Shows Online, Watch Movies Online. Find movies, TV shows matching your taste & watch online - Jinni. Un Etat mendiant et un peuple qui s’appauvrit : Explication très simplifiée du prêt FMI. Les applications web avec JavaFX.

ERNESTO ARTILLO. Learn to code. [ Littérature ] Mark Dorf. Photographer Mark Dorf has an interesting series about what is perceived to be real, about the transformation of physical space, and the exploration of the natural world in nontraditional ways. One of the elements of photography that intrigues Mark the most is the way in which people read photography as an absolute reflection of our existence; he is asking the age old question of what exactly is representation. Selected works from the series, Axiom and Simulation, are currently on display at Viridian Artists in NYC, in the Third International Photography Exhibition, jurored by Nat Trotman, curator at the Soloman R Guggenheim Museum.Mark grew up in Louisville, KY and graduated from The Savannah College of Art and Design with a B.F.A in Photography and Sculpture.

Now living in Brooklyn, NY, he continues to seek out new landscapes and environments for his exploration of interactions with the natural landscape that we all once originally came from. Like: Carnivale Gloomy - TV search at The Scale of the Universe 2.

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