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SANDRA PONTOS DE CROCHÊ E TRICÔ........... Round Photos for Eight Pointed Flower Square by JulieAnny. These are Round Photos of the 2012BAMCAL Group's July Filler Square, on Ravelry.

Round Photos for Eight Pointed Flower Square by JulieAnny

Every month, the moderators pick a 12" square and a 6" square, then the group members vote on an alternate or "filler" 12 in. square. There are always amazing squares suggested, and this is definitely one of them. This square was designed by Julie Yeager, who is JulieAnny on Ravelry. She has a group there for people who want to be kept up to date on her new designs.


Boutique laine et perles. Motifs divers - blog du monde créatif. Idées. Tutoriels.