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ILN Today | International Lawyers Network | Worldwide Attorney Association. Dinar Taxes - Attorney Breaks It Down - Dinar Vets Message Board. Hi, My name is Mark. I'm an estate planning attorney who is fairly new to the forums. I've been reading lots of topics and posts on Capital Gains and correcting people where I can. Instead of repeating myself over and over again on other people's topics, I decided to spell it all out here. Hopefully this will help some people. First I want to say that if anyone has been confused by the jumble of information out there it is understandable. ) I don't want you to get the wrong idea and think that all attorneys or CPAs should know this stuff right off the tops of their heads. Section 988 OR Section 1256? The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) deals with foreign currency exchange profits and losses under two different Sections; 988 and 1256. The Confusion of Section 988 Many people have looked at IRS Publication 525, Pg. 33 to justify their assertions that your Dinar RV income should be treated as Capital Gains.

Foreign currency transactions. This sounds pretty cut and dried. Breaking it Down Mark. Tiller Law. Law Firm Dean, Mead, Egerton, Bloodworth, Capouano & Bozarth, P.A. Attorneys Orlando, Florida Lawyers. West Palm Beach Probate Litigation Lawyer For Wills and Probate | Attorney at Doane & Doane, P.A. Vero Beach Attorney - Vero Beach Lawyer - Personal Injury - Gould Cooksey Fennell, P.A. - Attorneys at Law. Lawyers Find A Lawyer, Law Firm, Attorney & Legal Services: martindale.