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MashupsDocumentation. Common Core Rubric Creation Tool. Assessment and Rubrics. Framework for 21st Century Learning. The Best Assessment Tools for the Online Classroom. This article will discuss some practical methods, which have been empirically tested and experimented both in the classroom and in "distance" delivery. New methods, which are either low cost or no cost for the instructor or end-user, will also be discussed.

Some of these are already known as Web 2.0 tools, but had never been incorporated in the assessment of student e-documents. The first product I will discuss is Dragon Naturally Speaking 11.5 (now 12.0) , which takes voice and moves it into text. Followed by a discussion on the process of "inking" or using an electronic pen to mark, edit, and correct student e-documents, as well as ways to use PowerPoint. Dragon NaturallySpeaking There are software programs that take voice and translate it into text. As an instructor, you constantly give feedback to students in various forms including e-mail. I'll briefly mention some hardware and software issues with Dragon NaturallySpeaking. "Inking" or "Digital Inking" Google Docs and Google Drive. Turnitin - Home.

Browse Lesson Plans. Popplet. Popplet. SERP | Word Generation. Facebook Training Wheels. Web 2.0 Facebook Training Wheels A secured social networking site allows schools to incorporate the technology into academics while preparing students for the perils of online communities. 04/01/09 "We're not reading and writing across and down the page anymore. We're reading and writing in three dimensions: across, down, and out, the 'out' being hyperlinks. It's a whole different kind of literacy; it's a whole different kind of writing; it's a whole different kind of reading.

It's a type of literacy that can't be done anywhere else but on the web. " PERMISSION GRANTED Only those listed on a roster provided by the school can enter Saywire. AND SO, JAMES YAP GOES ON TO SAY, Web 2.0 applications like online communities, blogs, and wikis should not be thought of as just a passing fad or idle socializing, but as an activity that has embedded itself into the way work gets done. "[Even] the government right now is creating an internal Facebook," he says. Research. 6 Steps to Add Voice Comments to Google Docs. Here is a step by step guide to show you how you can add " Voice Comments " within your Google Docs.

This application is developed by 121 Writing. Here is how you can do it : 1- Head over to your Google Docs and click on " Create". scroll down to the bottom and click on "connect more apps " 2- Type in the word " voice " in the search panel then click on connect in front of " voice comments " 3- Go back to your Google Docs and right click on the document you want to add voice comments to then select open with voice comments 4- The document will open in a new window, click on the record button as shown in the screenshot below. 5- To share your voice feedback click on " share with collaborators ". You and your collaborators can access it Google Docs via the "Comments" button on the top-right corner beside the Share button. Technology's Impact on Learning Outcomes: Can It Be Measured? Technology's Impact on Learning Outcomes: Can It Be Measured?

The ongoing debate on the effectiveness of technology use for student learning outcomes still seems to have no clear answers. Recently, some institutions have decided to end their laptop programs for students because of the economic challenges facing those institutions. But there is no consistent response as to the effect on students. Some say it has been highly effective for students, and others say that it has not had any significant impact in how students learn.

What is interesting is that there is also no real agreement as to what should be measured or even whether it can be measured in order to quantify success in this regard. Institutions--whether K-12 or higher education--that have adopted technology for instruction often have little or no systematic methodology in place for instructional technology use or how its success can or should be measured. Focus on how rather than what.