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Hjemmelaget coppaskinke - Tones matoppskrifter. Total tid: 6-8 uker Å lage coppaskinke selv tar ca 6-8 uker.

Hjemmelaget coppaskinke - Tones matoppskrifter

Da har du en spekeskinke du kan være veldig stolt av. Skal du ha den til jul, bør du begynne i september-oktober. Coppaskinke blir laget av svinenakke. Den er tilsatt masse godt krydder. Jeg har her laget av 2,5 kg svinenakke. Dette trenger du: 1 svinenakke på ca 2,5 kg3% salt pr kilo (3xantall gram/100)2ss brunt sukker5ss hel pepper, svart2ss enebær1,5ts finmalt muskat2ss tørket timian5 laubærblad6 hvitløksbåter4dl rødvin (dag 8) Spekerevolusjon i aldringspose - Far min sitt kjøkkenFar min sitt kjøkken. Far min sitt kjøkken får massevis av spørsmål frå nordmenn som veldig gjerne vil speke maten sjølv, men manglar lokale og gunstige klima for å lukkast.

Spekerevolusjon i aldringspose - Far min sitt kjøkkenFar min sitt kjøkken

Svaret kan vere ein stille revolusjon i kjøleskapet, nemleg speking i aldringspose. Den siste tida har det kome stadig fleire variantar av aldringposer på marknaden, frå den tyske produsenten Lava – som lagar svært gode vakuummaskiner for både seriøse amatørar og proffane. Denne blogen har absolutt ingen bindingar eller kommersielle interesser i nokon produsent. Men etter å ha prøvd speking av svinenakke (eller coppa/capicola som det heiter i Italia) i aldringspose med god hjelp frå (tidlegare) slaktar, kurshaldar og nettbutikkgründer Kai Gundersen, er vi overtydde om at dette er eit veldig godt alternativ til tradisjonell speking. Aldringspose er ein slags perforert vakuumpose lagd for å gje kjøttelskarar som vil ha tørrmodna (dry-aged) kjøtt til ein rimelegare penge enn det du må ut med i butikk. Curing means saving or preserving meat. In its simplest form the word ‘curing’ means ‘saving’ or ‘preserving’ meat and the definition covers preservation processes such as: drying, salting and smoking.

curing means saving or preserving meat

When applied to home made meat products, the term ‘curing’ usually means ‘preserved with salt and nitrite.’ When this term is applied to products made commercially it will mean that meats are prepared with salt, nitrite, ascorbates, erythorbates and dozens more chemicals that are pumped into the meat. Meat cured only with salt, will have a better flavor but will also develop an objectionable dark color. Factors that influence curing: The size of the meat - the larger meat the longer curing time. Curing Temperatures The curing temperature should be between 36-40° F (2-5° C) which falls within the range of a common refrigerator.

Meats were traditionally cured with Nitrate. Cured Meats. Cured Meats. Speking av fenalår - Far min sitt kjøkkenFar min sitt kjøkken. Spanish ham 'Pata negra' from Jabugo. Iberian gourmet pork products at best prices. Heng grisen - Detbeste. Svinaktig godt: Spagetti carbonara skal egentlig lages med pancetta, eller med guanciale, som er laget på omtrent samme måte, men av svinekjaker.

Heng grisen - Detbeste

Anvendelig: Pancetta kan brukes til alt du bruker bacon til. Blant annet til enkle, raske to-ingrediensmiddager som travle dager ofte krever. <div class="ad noprint"><p><a href=" title="Klikk for å komme til Annonseinfo">annonse</a></p><iframe id="ead_noscript_300_250_magasinet" src=" width="300" height="250" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"><a href=" src=" border="0" alt="EmediateAd" width="300" height="250" /></a></iframe></div> DET ERden tida på året igjen, og jeg føler at jeg går i kø hele den slapsete veien opp til slakteren.

How to make serrano ham. Serrano hams, a Spanish speciality, are cured to preserve the meat and lock in flavour.

How to make serrano ham

Serrano hams are made using a hog's back leg. To make your own Serrano ham, you need adequate space to cure the ham and a fresh, high-quality cut of pork. Serve slices of your Serrano ham as finger food with fruit, cheese and grapes or use with Spanish recipes. You can also wrap strips of Serrano ham around other meats, such as scallops or rabbit. Serrano ham is also delicious with breakfast and can be fried like bacon, or served in scrambles or omelettes. Skill level: Moderate Things you need Butcher paper 4 to 6 cups salt 1 cup sugar 2 to 3 cups black pepper Cloth sack Twine Masking tape Twine Show MoreHide 1 Place a fresh, uncured cut of ham skin-side down in the sink and allow excess moisture to drain.

Air-dried ham. As I rinsed off the ham that I’d been salting ready for air-drying, I caught sight of the still vivid green chard leaves in the garden.

air-dried ham

Reminds me that there are some mixed Italian leaves that I grew for salad that may be a bit large and on the bitter side now for salad, but could be great wilted with chard and mixed with parmesan and ricotta for a ravioli filling. A lot of my favourite recipes stem from the ‘Cucina Povera’ tradition and what with the salami hanging over my head as I go to collect logs for the woodburner from the covered porch, I’m starting to feel quite like an Italian peasant. Then a glance at the tub of ricotta reminds me how excited I was this summer when a Waitrose opened 15 minutes away.

Well, it used to be a long drive to get to any supermarket. Now I can buy parmesan and ricotta without losing a couple of hours of precious time. I also feel very lucky that these days we’re able to dip into the ‘Cucina Povera’ traditions of so many cultures. How to prepare air-dried ham, prosciutto style. Air-dried hams rely simply on salting and drying to produce their finished texture and taste.

How to prepare air-dried ham, prosciutto style

The basic procedure is a two-stage affair: curing, then drying. Find out how to do it yourself with this step-by-step guide from The River Cottage Cookbook. For the cure, the whole leg is completely packed in salt and pressed under a substantial weight to accelerate the moisture loss and salt penetration. This pressing also contributes to the dense texture of the ham. Once cured, the ham is hung to dry and mature in a cool airy place for several months. Air-dried hams are eaten 'raw', and at their best must rank as one of the greatest delicacies you can make with a pig. The Alpine hams of Haute Savoie and the Serrano hams of Spain can also be delectably distinctive, demonstrating that the taste and texture of an air-dried ham varies according to the diet and variety of the pig, and the length and conditions of the curing and hanging.

How to make proscuitto or serrano ham? Making of homemade Serrano ham. Traditional method for making SERRANO ham at home Formerly, most families tended small gardens and raised animals as a traditional form of food, as it allowed families to save money for other needs.

Making of homemade Serrano ham.

In each house, the normal things to own were hens that provided eggs and meat, a pig which was raised throughout the year on the leftovers from the family members, and things that they could grow in the garden such as potatoes, vegetables etc. The pig was sacrificed just before winter, the main problem that existed was the manner in which to preserve the pig meat so that they could continue to eat it throughout the year without it going off. The solution to this problem appeared with the salting and curing of the meat. The hams that are made in the villages of Teruel have a traditional recipe for their preparation.

The climate of Teruel and the quality of the pigs make ham from Teruel one of the world's best. The moment has now arrived top hang the ham for its final drying process. How to Make Serrano Ham.