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OwnersTown is more than just a property management system. We offer a comprehensive range of property management services assisting you through every step of the way.

Important Property Tax Announcements in 2020 - OwnersTown. In India, property tax is collected on all real estate, which consists of improvements made to land, such as buildings or land attached to buildings.

Important Property Tax Announcements in 2020 - OwnersTown

Property taxes are nothing but the source of revenue to the government which is used for the improvement of the surroundings. Every year, the government makes some minor changes and updates the rules for the benefit of both sides. Tax Deductions against Rental Property. Research and Insights of Indian Real Estate 2020 - OwnersTown. 2020 was supposed to be a dream year for everyone but an unexpected pandemic has changed the whole picture.

Research and Insights of Indian Real Estate 2020 - OwnersTown

All predictions and assumptions by experts about 2020 fell down. During this pandemic, people had adopted the online trend. In real estate also there was a quite good response for the online things. Example:- Instead of doing direct property visitation, we have adopted online property visits on video calls or 360-degree views of the property. Let’s have a quick overview of both sides of the coin, i.e the ups, and downs of Indian real estate during 2020. Because of the nationwide lockdown, most businesses changed their real estate decisions. Also for construction activities, lots of decisions were delayed for approval from the government. Commercial VS Residential: The Best Option for Buying Rental Property. Be it any type of property, the idea of buying rental property at this point is quite terrifying.

Commercial VS Residential: The Best Option for Buying Rental Property

But if you understand the differences between the Residential and Commercial Property, you can make an informed decision. It may appear to you as if you know everything about Commercial and residential properties, but there is so much about them you still need to learn. If you are willing to buy a rental property whether it is commercial or residential, you should diligently learn the facts, you will end up losing it, otherwise. You may ask Property Management Companies in Bangalore to help you in buying rental property. For those who are new to investing, let’s give you a little gist about Commercial Property and Residential Property.

Is it a smart decision to buy premium commercial properties. Commercial Properties are always complex but high yielding, so it’s important to stay thorough if you are planning to buy premium commercial properties in Bangalore.

Is it a smart decision to buy premium commercial properties

While residential properties are making big, prospects like you think that there may not be chances for Premium Commercial Properties and think that it is a bad decision. Verified Service providers for all property maintenance issues. Best Place to Buy Property for investment in Bangalore. Bangalore is one of those cities that everyone would love to stay in.

Best Place to Buy Property for investment in Bangalore

Green everywhere, and to top it all, the weather. If and only if we forgot to mention, Bangalore has been one of the best places for real estate investments and lately, the craze has only improved. And maybe, that’s why they call Bangalore the best Metropolitan city in India. We have technological advancements but we still keep the traditionality intact.

There is a reason why Real Estate Owners pick Bangalore as their sweet spot. Where to Buy a Luxury Villa in Bangalore- Ownerstown. Luxury Villas are the most sought-after options if you are planning to invest in real estate.

Where to Buy a Luxury Villa in Bangalore- Ownerstown

On the other hand, if you are really willing to buy a Luxury villa in Bangalore, you need to accelerate and step up your hunting for the right place and property. Luxury Villas are without a doubt the most wanted place for elite people, probably to spend quality time with family on weekends. These Luxury Villas are dedicatedly constructed for the people of the upper class. Luxury Villas have great benefits like you get to live in an independent home with all the luxuries you need, privacy, and most importantly, Security. Even if you leave it for any kind of rent or lease, you are going to get a great income once in every while.

Why buy a Luxury Villa Exactly? Luxury Villas are a way for elite people to show their way of living. Bangalore has always been a comfortable space for people living here too with so much work all week, they deserve to rest in a comfortable and cozy place. Top 5 Reasons to Buy Luxury Villas In Bangalore-Ownerstown. People today opt to buy Luxury Villas in a metropolitan city like Bangalore.

Top 5 Reasons to Buy Luxury Villas In Bangalore-Ownerstown

Why is that so? These days, Lifestyle matters a lot. These Luxury Villas give a new high to the soul. Owning it kind of makes us feel cool. Is it a Good time to Buy Premium Commercial Properties. The only time you shouldn’t buy Premium Commercial Properties is when the respective market shows a spike in the rates but the scope of the market gets pretty down.

Is it a Good time to Buy Premium Commercial Properties

As of now, we are struggling with a pandemic. We never know when this situation will resume to normal but when it does, Premium Commercial Properties will see a surge in the demand. Property Task Management in a Single Click with OwnersTown. Rental Management: An Online Platform for Managing Your Rental Needs. Sell property online with OwnersTown. Things you should know before buying Premium Properties in Bangalore- Ownerstown. It is a big dream for everyone to buy or own a Premium Property.

Things you should know before buying Premium Properties in Bangalore- Ownerstown

There is a misconception about buying Premium Properties, they say investing in a Premium Property could be a bit of an issue. But the point is it’s the best decision to invest in a Premium Property if you are doing fine financially. If you are interested in investing in Premium Properties in Bangalore, Property Management Companies could be of great help. Consider Premium Properties in Bangalore for your game of investing. Premium Properties are more like one-time investments. How do I Pay My BBMP Property Tax 2020-21 Online.

Top 10 Frequently asked questions before buying a property in Bangalore. Does it make any sense to sell a property in these times? What factors should one keep in mind before doing so? It’s perfectly alright to sell a property during these unsettling times prevailing in the country.

Does it make any sense to sell a property in these times? What factors should one keep in mind before doing so?

And surprisingly, experts say that it will not affect anything in case if you buy or sell a property in spite of the ongoing pandemic. Property Management Companies by your side during these times will help you in improving the state of your business for the better either during or post the pandemic. The Property Management Consultant is an added advantage while you are trying to boost up the sales. The unsettling times open ways for many opportunities but just that it’s a little difficult to see them when you are in much of strangulation. How will Real Estate Start Recovery After COVID-19 in India. Ever since the Coronavirus outbreak started, the country has been brought into its nationwide lockdown. The national lockdown is mainly imposed to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus where the pandemic has shocked each and every business in India, barring most of the essential services.

Real estate is one such business that got hit badly due to the pandemic. Also, the dimensions of the effect are unknown. This makes it even more difficult for the real estate owners to predict the damages that this pandemic is going to rest at their door. Top 5 Ways to Handle Tenant-Landlord Conflict During Coronavirus Outbreak. The worst time for all of us. Mainly to the renters out there who are struggling to bring food on their plate amidst the pandemic. If you are a renter and you still think you can pay the rent and the income is normal as ever, you should pay the rent. But these unprecedented situations have affected the relationships too. Be it internal or social. Top 10 Concerns of Commercial Property Owners during this Market Slowdown. So, the Corona is taking the biggest hit on Commercial Property Owners this lockdown, isn’t it?

How can one escape from this? Nobody might help you with an escape plan right now, but we sure as a Property Management Company can help you with the concerns of a Commercial Property Owner during this tough time. It may also further slowdown the commercial property deals because no one is aware of the economical situation now and one bad decision can completely destroy everything. How Does OwnersTown Property Management Application Work. Property Management Applications have become an absolutely necessary part of Property Management Companies to make working with them easier.

How Does OwnersTown Property Management Application Work. How to build better communication with your tenant? Property investment is a success when there are good relationships built with your tenant. Although building good communications might sound like a good old-fashioned stereotype, it is definitely the key to making strong relationships. The tenancy will run smoothly since both parties will know their responsibilities. So make sure to follow these below tips that can help you out vehemently. 1.

How Does The World See Property Investments After Lockdown. As an investor, you must be very careful in Property Investments. Experts say there could be a 20% crash in real estate investments. The prices are likely to fall. For potential buyers and buyers who have cash security no longer have to worry about property Investments. Property Management: Top 5 Things To Know Before You Purchase A Property From An NRI. Tips to Effectively Maintain Commercial Property Management after lockdown. COVID-19 took a toll on the economy like a blazing storm. Everything came to an almost stand-still because of the lockdown which kept extending in some cities.

Real Estate: Impacts of Coronavirus Outbreak on Real Estate Commercial Properties. The Nationwide Lockdown has made all the companies and businesses to shut down, apparently to contain the spread of CoronaVirus. This pandemic has taken a toll on almost all the businesses and services. And Real Estate is no exception.

So many people seem to have postponed their plan of buying a property that they were trying to make closure before lockdown. There could be 2 reasons for the delay, number one, it could be because of Financial Constraints and the other reason could be because of the uncertainty that is happening in the real estate sector. Effective Ways to Maintain Your Property While Social Distancing. Quarantine, lockdown, stay-at-home, and social distancing have become synonymous with our everyday lives because of the notorious Covid-19 that is spreading into the world like wildfire.

Social distancing has become a major desperate measure during this desperate time. More and more awareness is being raised on how staying-at-home can curb down Coronavirus. A Fantastic Property Management During Covid19 Pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has put a halt to normal life, disturbing the way we used to live, and the way we conduct our businesses. These times are challenging particularly for landlords who are moving heaven and Earth to keep their properties and tenants safe from the virus.

Many businesses have either temporarily shut down or have gone online to curb the spread of the virus. Important life events have been postponed and the entire world has come to a standstill. The insufficiency in operations hasn’t however stopped for landlords as their properties will need plenty of assistance from maintenance to repairs and regular housekeeping. Rental Management: Rent Payment and Collection during COVID-19 Crisis. With lockdown extensions, stricter rule impositions and panic, it appears that COVID-19 is here to stay.

While you, as a landlord, can’t do anything about this global pandemic, you can however do something to help your tenants in this dark and uncertain time.While the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a slew of issues, rent seems to be one of the main concerns of landlords and tenants alike. With schools, colleges, malls, offices and even many banks shutting down, both you and your tenant can face a lot of trouble financially. This blog post is not just for you but also for you tenant and will offer rental management tips that will benefit both parties. Rental Management Tips To Make Rent Payment and Collection Easier For the Landlord and Tenant Retention Is Your Priority. Top 6 Things Landlord should do during Coronavirus Pandemic: Tenant Management. COVID-19 has changed the way of life with lockdowns and curfews in several major nations across the world, including India. 185 countries are now affected by the virus and no end appears to be in sight.

In a time like this, everyone is going into panic and desperation mode. Schools and colleges are shut, offices and malls are also shut. For property owners, Tenant management is also getting affected during this crisis. All You Need to know about Century Breeze Bangalore.