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What is AWS Lambda? Lambda Functions & Advantages. AWS Lambda is a compute service that enables you to run codes without any managing servers or provisioning.

What is AWS Lambda? Lambda Functions & Advantages

Since it is a serverless service provider, it runs codes in response to managed events automatically. You need zero administration while running codes for any application or backend services when using AWS Lambda. It performs all the administration, including operating system maintenance, automatic scaling, logging, capacity provisioning, and code monitoring on a high-availability compute infrastructure. The best part about AWS Lambda is that you need to pay for only the compute time you use or consume. You don’t have to pay anything when your code is not running.

Lambda can also be used to extend other AWS services or create customized backend services compatible with AWS scale, performance, and security. AWS Lambda Functions Any code that you run on AWS Lambda is uploaded as ‘Lambda Function’. Progressive Web App - Choose the Best PWA Frameworks for 2021. Since mobile phones were introduced to the world and websites turned out to be more mainstream for every individual, user experience has been challenging for every technical designer.

Progressive Web App - Choose the Best PWA Frameworks for 2021

Are you aware of trending technologies in Progressive web app (PWA) development? Progressive web app (PWA) development trends have arisen as a famous web development pattern. How to Choose the Right Cloud Service Provider for Your Business? In a fast-moving world, businesses are not just going digital but are finding ways to be the best, even digitally.

How to Choose the Right Cloud Service Provider for Your Business?

Controlling, managing, and executing work online needs tools and software to make the work easier and efficient. That is where Cloud Computing comes in. Cloud computing is the answer to all the technologies like the Internet of things, artificial intelligence, Big data, web and mobile app hosting with advance computing power. Its build for better performance, resiliency, and availability. Cloud enhances collaboration, allowing people to share real-time information while Providing innovative solutions to different industries like Healthcare, Food, Banking, Travel, Entertainment and a lot more. Best Ways to Overcome Cloud Asset Management Challenges. Wherever you turn nowadays, "the cloud" is being discussed.

Best Ways to Overcome Cloud Asset Management Challenges

This questionable term appears to incorporate nearly every little thing about us. Twenty years back, nobody in IT might have anticipated the spectacular job that distributed cloud computing would play in our regular daily existences. Let's understand the meaning of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a term that covers a wide scope of innovation assets that are conveyed "as an assistance" through a web association. How to Minimize Online Cyber Threats to your Business. Every business converges with digitalization to succeed and prosper in this era, but there are always two sides to a story.

How to Minimize Online Cyber Threats to your Business

According to a recent survey, 9.9 billion cyber-attacks were carried out worldwide in a year which is a threatening count. We need to be aware of these attacks and ensure that our businesses don't fall into this. We could surely minimize it by learning about it and taking some safety measures. Top 10 Sitefinity Features That Can Be Beneficial for Marketers. Content Management has become such an essential part of marketing these days.

Top 10 Sitefinity Features That Can Be Beneficial for Marketers

A plethora of content management software (CMS) helps brands create more relevant and highly personalized content. But what makes a CMS right for your brand is your content. Modern users these days are demanding relevant and useful content engaging and interactive enough to solve their problems. Your content can make or break your brand’s connection with the consumers; hence it is important to know about the right CMS. How to Keep Your Costs Down When Starting Your Business? Starting your own business is a whole new experience because you start something from scratch and hope to grow and become bigger and better by the day.

How to Keep Your Costs Down When Starting Your Business?

Starting something from scratch can also be very overwhelming because running a business is no cakewalk. But should that stop you from reaching your goals and make your dreams a reality? What are the New Content Marketing Trends to Follow By Businesses in 2021? Since the pandemic hit our world, offline businesses have gone topsy turvy, paving the way for the digital industry.

What are the New Content Marketing Trends to Follow By Businesses in 2021?

All major industries have made a tremendous shift to digitalization, and that has given content marketing the highest position in the digital chain of command. If you’ve ever read anything about digital marketing or have worked as a digital marketer yourself, you would have often come across the phrase “Content Is King”. You read this so frequently because that is the absolute truth of digital marketing. Everything in the digital world starts from content, and when you are running a business on any digital platform, you should know the right ways to market your content. Forecasting The Top Salesforce CRM Trends In 2021. Leveraging technologies have become an essential requirement with the increasing competition in the industrial dimensions.

Forecasting The Top Salesforce CRM Trends In 2021

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one such software that is leveraging digitalisation to devise strategies while analysing customer data and driving sales growth. To achieve the market's feat, intelligent analysis of customer interaction is an essential segment procured through life cycles. Cloud-based CRM solution is, in fact, a trending discussion that helps in improving customer service relationships with the help of efficient tracking, filtering, and managing data of the users on a real-time basis. In fact, CRM is the one-stop solution for businesses to make decisions driven by the data to improve and boost business revenues. So let's discuss some of the Forecasted CRM Trends in CRM to look out for in the year 2021. 1. There is too much noise around Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the year 2021, and of course, CRM cannot be outside the zone and trend.

Marketing Strategies For eCommerce Business to Boost Conversions In 2021. One thing that 2020 really taught us was the need of slowing down in the fast-paced life.

Marketing Strategies For eCommerce Business to Boost Conversions In 2021

When people found themselves stuck during the lockdown, digitalization really helped individuals stay connected to the outdoors while maintaining the house's essential supplies. It increased clicks on the e-commerce website. Whether it was buying a small notebook or the entire grocery listing, e-commerce retail sales was a definite answer for many amid restrictions during COVID-19 pandemic. If we understand this from a business point of view, the future seemed clearer to the online stores and e-commerce ideas in the year 2021. Why Do You Need To Develop a Mobile Loan Lending App? Decades ago, when the world seemed simpler, few processes were quite complex. One such complex task for ordinary people was applying for a loan and then waiting for weeks to approve the same. However, the world stands on digital transformation now. The scenario is now different, as people are bound to technology and live every aspect of their lives. Gone are the days when people used to wait on calls or on the queue in front of a bank to hear that YES on loan approval.

12 Web Development Stack Trends You Need to Explore in 2021. Ever since the World Wide Web came into people's lives, every individual today relies on it. Web development has become the top-most element in the successful growth of any business globally. With the constant change and advancement in technology, the trends in the web development world also change. To be at the top of the game, it becomes necessary to keep up with the current trends, techniques, and approaches that are practised and accepted by experts across the globe. As the world enters 2021, the following are the list of top web development stack trends that will give an improved and effortless experience to web app developers in the upcoming era. Learn More About The Thriving Technologies in 2021. 2020 was definitely a struggling year for almost every industry, as the global economy hit hard amid COVID-19 pandemic.

But one thing the IT industry and young entrepreneurs are looking forward to is the latest thriving technology trends in 2021. The impressive work market will be led by analysts bringing latest reports on technology trends that will rule the coming year. Many businesses are planning to advance and implement digital transformation depending on the young technologies and emerging ideas in this industry. There will be some young digital ideas that we might hear about in 2021 that might shape up the way business will work beyond. 2021 is not just going to be another year, but the start of the next decade that will require us to respond to acceleration and increasing digital demand for growing businesses. Explore The Best Android Libraries for 2020-2021. Android Library is termed as a set of structural implementations of behaviour, which includes almost everything that is required for a developer to build an app for Android-based gadgets.

These are written in programming languages along with pre-written codes, configuration data, documentation, message templates, resource files, source codes, to name a few, in a well-defined interface. Android Library helps developers' to eliminate unnecessary efforts that are normally experienced while creating an application from scratch. It compiles files in Android Archive (AAR) file format, instead of Android Application Package (APK) file format, that is capable to contain C/C++ libraries, and can be used as a dependency for an Android application module.

In short, just like Captain America needs his shield and the Mighty Thor needs his Mjölnir, Android app developers will need Android Library to create astounding applications for their users. Streamline your Business By Integrating Inventory Management System. Inventory management is known as the balancing act for a successful business. And if you are looking for a way or a system to help you with keeping your products stocked to meet the demand, the inventory system is an ideal solution.

Walking tightrope of stocks needs a lot of attention and care, which might invite a higher cost as well. To idealize the solution, the inventory management system is an answer for you! A business is known smart for a reason! And one such reason is a well-planned and managed inventory management system as it helps the company with proper control of the supply chain of inventory. Know more about the Android 11 Features that can impact your Mobile Application Development.

Know more about the Android 11 Features that can impact your Mobile Application Development Android, without a doubt, is known to be the most popular operating system introduced by Google for smartphone devices. It not only holds the top position in this industry, but it is almost a decade where people started switching to Android platforms for better digital experience. It is because of its open-source nature that speaks on global success and acknowledgement it has achieved in the last few years. It allows the manufacturers to modify and use the code, according to their choice where Google is continuously introducing different features since 2008. Angular Popularity in Application Development Considering Current Trends. How to Kick Start Your Business With E-Commerce Solutions? The globe has seen the e-commerce industry changing dramatically over the past few years. What is IoT? Why Is It Important For Your Business. The concept of the Internet of Things is really promising, and users around the world are going awe following amazing experiences around the same.

The concept is not new in the industry but is expanding its horizon fused with the latest technologies every single day with enhanced advantages of IoT. With shared data around billions of physical devices connected to the internet, it opens up many extraordinary functions and innovation in different manners. One such brilliance of the concept is utilized in business values too. Popular JavaScript frameworks to use in 2020-2021. Just the thought of becoming a developer or tester does not really lead to a final verdict. What is an ERP System and Why is it Important for Your Company? Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a popular and known software for business management allowing firms and institutes to streamline and automate its operational processes. It helps in expanding the brand with clear visibility into core processes while optimising their systems for better reporting and tracking purposes.

How to make an Instant Shopping & Delivery App like InstaShop? With technology growing each day, the time is here when one can develop any and every type of application. How to Create Business Value Using Trendy Technologies. Staying on top of your game is really important at this time, especially when the technology is transforming.

The digital transformation has interestingly dominated the market contributing to the success of the brand. During the COVID-19 pandemic, #newnormal has emerged many ideas and innovations in a short period of time. The savvy business has been looking for more innovative ideas to attract more users through extraordinary applications and services that will help them stay connected with the technology with no harm to their health as well. How much does it cost to make a food delivery app like Doordash? With the #NewNormal trend hitting globally amid COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for delivery applications saw a tremendous spike. Specially applications delivering essentials like food and grocery became a favourite app for smartphone users.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop E-Wallet Mobile App? Technology is powering and inspiring the world today. Website Redesign: Why Do You Need it & Key Benefits. Explore The Top 10 Most Important Elements of A Web Design. What Are The Benefits Of Using Social Media Advertising To Grow Business locally? Which Are Most Commonly Used Payment Gateways For Small Business.

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Mobile App Development Trends to Follow While Increasing Business Revenue. Tips to Accelerate the Growth of your Startup Business. How to Build a Video Conferencing App? Top 20 Startup Ideas for your Business in 2020. Sitefinity: The Complete Guide. Best On-demand Food Delivery App Models for Startup Businesses. How Hiring Virtual Employees Become a Permanent Benefiting Process for Companies? Top 10 Reasons to Develop the Mobile Application for your Business.

Magento Upgrade 2: The Complete Guide. Why Is This Pandemic Time is Best to Invest in Grocery Delivery App? How Much Does It Cost to Develop a React Native Mobile App? How Much Does it Cost to Create an e-learning App? How to Develop a Successful Anonymous Social Networking App? Why Should One Invest in News Applications for Online Magazine? How to Develop a Custom B2B Application? On-Demand Liquor Delivery Mobile Development App Cost & Key Features and Models. What Are The Best App Marketing Strategies to Boost Your App's Launch Success? Python vs. Node.JS: Which One is Best for Your Project? Planning To Build a Fitness Mobile Application? Things You Must Know. Looking for Cloud Computing Trends? Here is The List to Watch Out in 2020? How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Future of Digital Marketing? How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Chat App Like WhatsApp? Planning to Create a Car Rental Application? Let’s Find Out How Much It Costs?

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